away *Peter Parker*

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"Y/N! Peter!" My dad called making me get up from my desk and walk into the conference room. All the Avengers were already there and Peter arrived after me. He stood next to my and brushed his hands over mine as he grinned down at me. I looked at him and gave him a smile letting my fingers tap on his hand. I tore my eyes away from my secret boyfriend and looked at my dad.

"We are leaving for a few days." Tony, my dad, said and I looked around to the others. They all had slightly worried looks on their faces which made me worry too.

"Ok." I said and looked back at my dad. "How long will you be away?" I asked and walked over to him.

"4 days." He said and lay his hands on my shoulders. "You will be fine!"

"But will you?" I asked and looked into my dads eyes. Even though he had been going on missions since I was little, I was always worried about him.

"Of course we will!" He sighed. "We always are."

I laughed and nodded my head before giving him a tight hug.

"Peter, look after my daughter!" Tony said pointing his finger at Peter while the others grinned and gave each other looks.

"I will." Peter smirked. "Real good." He whispered making my eyes widen. I gave my dad another quick hug and hugged everyone else.

"Be careful." I told Nat who nodded and walked to Peters side again.

"Let's go." Tony said clapping his hands and everyone left. I turned to Peter who put his hands on my hips and mine went around his neck. I sighed and looked into the direction everyone left. Peter noticed and cupped my cheek making me face him again.

"They'll be fine." He gave me a reassuring smile and I nodded. He gave me a tight hug and pressed a kiss on my temple. I hummed and hid my face in the crook pf his neck. We stayed like that for a while until I pulled away leaning close to his face.

"What do you wanna do now?" I whispered and pecked his lips. Peter grinned and kissed my lips but pulling away.

"Cook. I'm hungry." He grinned making me roll my eyes.

"Seriously?" I laughed and let go of Peter.

"Later." He winked and I rolled my eyes. We walked into the kitchen and started making food. I was standing at the stove stirring in the pot when Peter came up behind me hugging my waist and laying his head on my shoulder. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes. Peter switched the stove off and brushed his lips over my neck making me close my eyes and sigh. He started kissing my neck and grabbed my waist turning me around and kissing my skin again. My arms hugged Peters neck as he pulled me closer by the hips. He pulled away from my neck and I connected our lips making him slips his tongue past my lips. Both his hands grabbed the edge of the counter pushing his body into mine and locking me in place. I ran my hands through his hair letting him moan into my mouth. He grabbed my thighs and squeezed making me jump into his arms. He carried me through the house and into my room while we made out. He kicked the door open and walked into my room closing the door behind him with his foot again. I moaned as he lay us down on my bed not breaking the heated kiss and hovering over my body. I pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt before pulling it off and running my hands over his chest. He went under my shirt and pulled it off my body too. He went down and kissed my neck again as his hands stroked over my stomach and down to my sweatpants moving his hand under the waistband and slowly moving it down my legs. I stroked my hands over his front and tugged at his shirt making him pull it over his head. He left wet kisses over my collarbone and down to the rim of my bra moving lower and over my stomach. My hands lay on his shoulders as he went lower reaching my core making me moan. His fingers hooked around my panties as I got soaking for him. He slipped them off my legs as I bucked my hips and squeeze my legs together. He parted my legs as his hand moved up my thigh and started playing with my clit. Loader moans left me as his head now also dipped down and replaced his hand starting to lick me out. His hands ran up and down my thighs as his tongue dipped in and out of me making me a moaning mess. He hummed into me sending vibrations over my sensitive area making pressure start building. I tangled my fingers in his hair again pushing him deeper but instead, his mouth left me making me whine as he came up to my face again. He connected our lips again and I tasted myself on his lips as I opened his jeans and took them off then running my hands over his boxers. Peter moaned as I felt him get hard through the fabric. I slipped my hands in them and touched him making him moan again as our tongues fought for dominance. I pulled his boxers down too as he reached for a condom not breaking the make out. I slipped it onto him and felt him get fully hard in my hands. He positioned himself with me before suddenly thrusting into me making me gasp as he moved his kisses to my neck again. He repeated his movements and quickly started thrusting into me building up the pressure in my stomach. I wrapped my legs around his waist making him go deeper hitting my g-spot. Load moans left both of us and I pulled him impossibly closer to me as I hugged his neck making me move with every thrust. The knot tightened with every move aa we both quickly reached our highs. Peter moaned my name against my skin turning me on even more as I got close to release.

"I'm close!" I moaned and his hand started rubbing me again letting my body tremble as I released. My back arched into his chest and my eyes closed as my body was filled with pleasure. A few moments later, he filled the condom making his thrusts slow down as he panted into the crook of my neck. I sighed as his sweaty body collapsed on top of me. He pulled out of me and rolled next to as we both caught our breaths.

"I'm kinda hungry." Peter said making me laugh.

"Go make food then." I grinned and he rolled his eyes.

"fine." He sighed and got up to put on his clothes again. I watched him get changed and bit my lip but staying in bed. Peter grinned at me and then left to make food. I got changed too and Peter brought the food to my room. These few days alone would defenatly be fun! 

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