guitare *Tom Holland*

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(and again. pure smut...)

My head flew back as I moaned and played with the curls at the nape of his neck. I felt him get harder by the second and wondered why he just didn't fuck me already. Instead, he shoved his fingers into me making me gasp as my knees turned to jelly.

"Oh fuck." I moaned as he pumped his skilled fingers in and out of me. My hips bucked with each of his pumps as my head fell on his shoulder moaning and crying against is skin. I dug my nails into his back when his thumb started rubbing my clit as I got closer and closer to exploding.

"Don't stop, Tommy. Fuck me!" I gasped as his fingerfucking sped up. Just as I started falling apart for him, his fingers pulled out making me whine and grip his shoulders tighter.

"Fuck you." I frustratingly said as he goggled against my skin. His thumb was only lightly circling on my clit keeping me worked up as I moved my hips against his hard one again. I gasped as he bit my skin leaving a hickey where he licked and nibbled on my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I started feeling him fully hard through his boxers. I moved my hands down to his bulge stroking him as he was now the one moaning. His sounds turned me on even more and I just wanted him to make me cum.

"Please." I gasped as his thumb pressed against my clit. He grabbed my thighs and lifted me up walking to our bedroom his mouth not leaving my neck. I closed my eyes as he dropped me on the bed moving between my thighs and pulling his boxers off making his rock hard dick spring free. His eyes were hungry as he reached over and grabbed a condom.

"Gotta use one." Tom moaned as he kissed my neck and I laughed.

"I wondered why you just didn't take me on the chair." I giggled as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slipped it on and positioned himself with my entrance pushing in as load moans spilled out of both our mouths. He started thrusting into me at a quick pace as my orgasm picked up again and I pulled his body impossibly closer to mine. His mouth was all over mine again as I already chased my orgasm and felt his twitch inside me. His hands grabbed a handful of my thigh making me gasp against his lips as he pushed into me deeper. My back arched and my head fell back on the pillow as I got close to no return.

"Hold it in baby." Tom moaned making me cry out in response desperately trying to keep my orgasm from washing over me. He kept pumping into me and soon his movements got fast and quick as I trembled in his arms.

"I can't!" I gasped as he got close to releasing. He groaned into my neck and left a kiss on the mark he left.

"Cum for me." He gasped making me scream in pleasure as the orgasm came over me in waves. My whole body moved with each wave of extacy as he filled the condom riding his high too. I gasped as the last high coursed through me and his movements became sloppier. Tom collapsed on top of me as we both panted and I tangled my fingers in his curls. A quiet moan left me as he pulled out and fell next to me and we both caught our breaths.

"Don't do that again." I gasped and grinned as Tom rapidly sat up.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"Do not ever make me cum only once with that forplay." I giggled making him laugh relieved as he turned to me and put his hand on my thigh. He leaned close to my face and stared into my eyes as I lay my hand on his bicep.

"Do you want me to make you cum again babygirl?" He whispered in a low, husky voice making me moan already. I slowly nodded and bit my lip and he kissed my neck and jaw making me wet again instantly. I grinded my hips against nothing as he pushed his leg between my legs moving against my clit. My eyes fluttered shut as Tom tilted my head to the side giving him more access. His other hand moved to my back unclasping my bra and pulling it off my shoulders. He left a trail of sloppy kisses down my neck and moved to my chest and grabbing my breast grazing his fingers over the nipple making me gasp as his leg kept the friction on my sensitive spot.

"You're so fucking sexy, love." He moaned as he kissed and bit the sensitive skin as more moans spilled out of my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his thigh pulling him closer as he moved to my stomach still grabbing my boobs. His head positioned itself between my thighs kissing each one and moving up coming close to my core. He let out a hot breath over my heat as I desperately wanted to feel his tongue on me. He licked a tantalizing slow strip up my slit before his tongue found my entrance pushing in.

"Taste so fucking good." He practically moaned into me sending vibrations through my center. "Please, fuck. More, again." I gasped as he went down on me. I slowly bucked my hips in rhythm with his tongue my juices flowing from how turned on I was. "Please... fingers." Tom wordlessly responded as he spit in my opening as my juices dripped from his lips. It was messy and sloppy and probably the hottest thing I had ever experienced. He used his spit and my wet ness to easily slide his index finger inside me.

"Fucking hell." I gasped as I held myself up on my elbows to get a better view of Tom as his tongue travelled back to my clit putting minimal pressure on it as he buried a second finger inside me. "Tom, fuck!" I cried out as I fell back and my back arched. Tom curled his fingers inside me quickly picking up his pace. The faster he pumped the more stars appeared in my vision.

"I'm getting close. Fuck Tommy." I warned as I felt my body get warm all over and that pit of pleasure in my stomach exploding. Tom begins to pick up the pace of his fingering as his tongue aggressively lapped at my clit swirling around and gently biting.

"Fuck, fuck!" I cried as my body fell to pieces. I felt my orgasm wash over me starting in my core and making its way through my body all the way to the tips of my toes. One load moan after the other spilled from my mouth as I rode my high and Tom didn't stop until my whole body slumped down and I panted closing my eyes and tangling my fingers in his curls. He left a single kiss on my throbbing clit before kissing up my body as I pushed his face deeper making him hum against my skin. He reached my face and hovered over my lips his still wet. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss tasting myself as I caught my breath. He rolled off my body clearly satisfied with the state he left me in.

"Holy fuck!" I gasped and Tom let out a small chuckle. "Please always. Do that." I laughed and turned to him with a grin plastered on my face. Tom looked at me and hummed in response.

"Maybe if you beg me to." He smirked and looked back up at the ceiling.

"Oh, I will." I moaned into his ear. 

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now