golf *Harry Holland*

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I got into the passenger seat of my boyfriends car as Harry went into the drivers seat and Sam went in the back. Tom, Paddy and Haz would drive with Toms car. Harry started driving and we talked, laughed and sang to the radio. His hand lay on my thigh stroking it with his thumb. I didn't mind though, until he went higher and under my skirt. I slapped his hand making him pull it away. Sam noticed what was happening and was laughing his head off in the backseat.

When we arrived at the golf course, Tom, Paddy and Haz were already waiting for us.

"You took long!" Tom laughed as we got out the car.

"Only because we don't have a fancy sportscar!" Harry said as he locked the car and we walked into the lobby. We all got our golf clubs and walked into the huge grass fields. We chose our usual course and started golfing. I had been golfing with the boys a few times. I wasn't great but still not bad. After Paddy, Haz and Sam had hit their first shot, it was my turn. I took a club and lined up with the golfball. I hit it and it was actually a pretty good shot. Harry and Tom went after me and we walked over the grass to our golfballs. I was about to hit my second shot when Harry stopped me.

"Wait!" He said and came up behind me. He took my hips and turned them a little bit. Harry then held my wrists in his hands pressing his body into my back.

"I know how to play golf, Harry!" I laughed but he didn't move. I relaxed into him as he took the golfclub to the back and hit the ball.

"That was really good!" I laughed and leaned my head back on Harrys shoulder.

"Told you!" He whispered and kissed my cheek hugging my waist.

"Not in front of Paddy!" Tom laughed and held his hand over Paddys eyes making all of us laugh.

"I'm not a kid anymore! I can see that!" Paddy complained and pulled toms hand from his face. We continued playing and Harry was getting a little handsy. He always did that when he was horny. He continued to take my waist, kiss my neck or lips. When we were walking over the fields again, his hand moved from my waist down my side and to the rim of my skirt. His hand slipped under it and moved up my leg. I didn't stop him but when he touched the shorts that were on the skirt he looked at me confused.

"It's a tennis skirt, Harold!" I laughed and he tilted his head at me. He hated it when I called him by his full name. He leaned in but before his lips touched mine he spoke.

"Too bad." He grinned and connected our lips slipping his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away and caught my breath letting out a little laugh. Harry let go of me and ran ahead to the others.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He said and turned around and winked at me.

"Me too." I said and took Harrys hand.

"Mhm." Haz laughed and we left walking to the building. When we arrived we entered the doors and found a sign to the bathrooms. Harry quickly pulled me with him making me laugh at how desperate he was.

"I'm gonna have to take that pretty little skirt off though." He mumbled into my neck making me squeeze my legs in anticipation. He pushed the door to the bathroom open and we stepped into the fancy bathroom. Harry locked the door behind us and I instantly connected our lips pushing his back against the door. He moaned into my mouth as he deepened the kiss again and pushed me to the counter. His hands lay on my hips and he lifted me off my feet and sat me down on the counter. My legs opened and he stood between them as we continued making out. His hands went under my top and pulled it over my head, me taking his shirt off too. I moaned quietly as his hands travelled up my thighs again going under the shorts. My arms hugged his neck pulling him closer and playing with his curls. He moved his kisses down my neck and chest making my head fall back and I let my hands fall to his jeans. I undid them and pulled them down as his hands went to my skirt slipping it off my legs too. I moaned as he left a trail of wet kisses up my neck connecting our lips again as his hand moved into my panties. I gasped and he pulled them down my legs moving closer to my body. My hands found the rim of his boxers and he was already hard. I pulled his boxers down going closer to the edge of the counter as he went down to kiss my neck again as he thrusted into making both of us moan. He kept pushing into me as more moans left us. The pressure quickly built in my stomach as he went quicker. I wrapped my legs around him pulling him into me as he hit my sweet spot. He moaned against my skin sending shivers down my spine getting me close to release. My body was now moving with his and his hand went down and started playing with my clit, sending me over the edge making me gasp. My eyes shut as more moans left me as he thrusted through my high until he came into me. His pushes got slower as we both got down from our highs. We were both out of breath as he pulled out of me. We caught our breaths as we quickly got changed ad he fixed my ponytail kissing my lips before opening the door and letting me out first.

"You took long!" I clenched my chest and looked to the side. Haz was the one who spoke while Tom was holding his hands over Paddys ears.

"Oh my god!" I said face palming myself in embarressement.

"Let's go back!" Tom said taking his hands away from Paddy.

"Yeah." Harry laughed and we continued playing golf enjoying the beautiful weather. 

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