4 months *Tom Holland*

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I sighed and held my back as I made my way up the stairs. I finally reached the top and closed my eyes taking a deep breath before walking into our room.

"Hey babe. You alright?" Tom asked sitting up from bed and leaning on the headboard.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just getting hard to walk up the stairs." I sighed as I climbed into bed with him. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my head humming in response. I turned my body to the side tangling our legs and wrapping my arms around him. His hand found my baby bump and stroked it with his thumb making me shift closer to him. I closed my eyes as he moved his hand under my shirt and stroked over my warm skin. I moved my hand up to his chest and grabbed his shirt in my fist humming into his chest. I pressed my body closer to his and let out a soft moan.

"No! Ah, stop it!" I laughed as I turned away from Tom making his hand pull away from my stomach.

"What?" He laughed holding his hands up and looking down at me.

"Nothing." I waved it away and giggling holding my bump.

"C'mon. What?" He grinned as he spooned me and wrapped his arm around my waist pressing his crotch into my back. I wiggled my legs making him laugh into my neck. "Turn around." He said and I did coming face to face with him. He leaned in and kissed my lips before moving his head down to my bump laying both his hands on my sides.

"Hi baby." He whispered against my skin. "How are you today?"

"As if it's going to answer." I laughed and rolled my eyes. Tom looked up from me and tilted his head.

"Shhh." He whispered and moved the shirt up. "You know, we can't wait to finally see you. You're taking so long!"

While he stroked over my belly, I squeezed my thighs together pressing my lips together. His hand moved over my waist and over my hip and grabbed my thigh letting my breath hitch.

"We love you. Daddy loves you. And Mummy loves you." Tom smiled with so much love in his voice that it turned me on so much. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he kissed my stomach making me moan quietly.

"And I think Mummy is very horny right now." He laughed kissing again and again.

"Very." I laughed and stroked over his face and through his hair. "You being a dad is so hot!" I sighed and wrapped my leg around his torso. His hand moved up and under my shirt squeezing my boob making me moan again. Tom laughed and kissed all over my bump making me giggle.

"It tickles!" I laughed as he moved up and kissed my lips again deepening it running his tongue over my lips before slipping it in my mouth. I cupped his cheek and pulled him closer as he placed his leg between my thighs rubbing it on my heat making me wetter. I moaned into his mouth as he moved between my legs holding himself up to not squish me under his weight. We continued to make out as he slowly started grinding his hips onto me. He moved his mouth down to my neck leaving open-mouthed kisses on my skin as I pushed his head deeper. He hummed sending vibrations through my body making me moan again.

"Daddy is so good, baby." I breathed making Tom smirk against my skin as he pulled my shirt off. He moved his kisses down my chest biting the skin making as I hummed at his actions. He moved lower and kissed over my bump making me buck my hips as my head fell on back the pillow.

"Daddy's gonna help Mummy out with her little problem." Tom whispered before kissing all over my body. He skipped my core going down to kiss my thighs making my back arch as my hips squirmed. He grabbed my hips holding me in place and his fingers hooked around my panties pulling them off my body. He kissed up my thighs again letting out a hot breath over my core.

"Don't tease, Daddy." I moaned and I felt him grin against me. He hovered over me for another second before dipping down and started eating me out making me a moaning mess. His tongue pressed down on my clit as a knot started forming in my stomach. He licked down my folds collecting all my juices before his tongue dipped in and out of me making my eyes fluttered shut. I balled the sheets in my fists starting to move my hips into him as he pushed in and out of me as I quickly reached my high.

"Mhm. Fuck, Tommy." I moaned as chased my orgasm. "Daddy." I gasped as I released into him. My eyes rolled back as I rode my high and my mouth fell open. He came up from me and grinned licking his lips trailing his hands up my body massaging my boobs as I gasped again. My eyes opened and looked deep into his brown ones as I bit my lip making him smirk. He looked down my body and stroked his hand over my stomach again. My hands slipped under his shirt and took it off making him look at me again as my hands moved over his sweats feeling him hard through the fabric.

"It is still safe, isn't it?" He asked looking back at me and I nodded my head as I pulled down his sweatpants and boxers making him connect our lips again. He lined up with my entrance while I wrapped my arms around his neck massaging the back of his head as he slowly pushed into me making sure I was ok. We moaned against each others lips as he started thrusting into me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His head fell into the crook of my neck as more moans left us and a new knot started forming in my stomach. I closed my eyes again as the familiar feeling of pleasure washed over me and a few thrusts later he filled me up panting against my skin.

"Fuck, Y/N." He sweared and I slapped his arm.

"Not in front of the baby!" I hissed making him laugh as his movements slowed down and he pressed his lips onto mine again. We came down from our highs and he pulled out falling next to me but instantly wrapping his arms around me holding me close. I suddenly felt something punch my insides.

"Ahh!" I shouted sitting up rapidly holding my stomach where it punched.

"What? Is everything ok? Shit!" Tom panicked looking at me with scared eyes.

"Oh my god! The baby kicked!" I gasped as I held my hand in front of my mouth as tears started streaming down my face. It kicked again.

"What!? Where?" Tom asked quickly patting my bump. I took his hand and placed it on the area as more kicks came after the first. Tom gasped.

"Oh my god!" He whispered and hugged me really tight as more tears started streaming down my cheeks and a sob left me. I started crying into his shoulder as one hand remained on my belly. I felt my shoulder get slightly wet as tears left his eyes too.

"I love you so much." He whispered and kissed my shoulder.

"I love you too." I whispered back. "So much."

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now