live *Tom Holland*

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I go on Instagram and get ready to go live. I set my laptop up and start m live as more and more people start joining.

"Hi guys. I thought I'd come live because I haven't done that in a while." I said as I read through a few comments.

user.a: how are u?

"How am I? I'm good, yeah. I've been just isolating by myself. It does get quite lonely but my family comes by often so it's fine.

user.b: where's Tom?

I saw the question but ignored it.

user.c: can u sing something for us?

"Great idea! What could I sing?" I opened my phone and scrolled through my playlist. "How about déja vu from Olivia Rodrigo? She's a queen! I love her!" I started the song and listened to the first tunes.

Car rides to Malibu

Strawberry ice cream

One spoon for two

And traiding jackets

Laughing 'bout small it looks on you

Watching reruns of Glee

Being annoying

Singing in harmony

I bet she's bragging

To all her friends saying you're so unique

As I sang, my thoughts wondered off to Tom and how happy he was now. With Nadia. Meanwhile, the comments were going crazy.

user.b: she sounds so hurt!

user.d: her and Tom broke up!!

user.a: isn't he with Nadia Parkes now?

I read all the comments as I sang the chorus with a smile on my face that covered up how I really felt.

So when you gonna tell her

That we did that too?

She thinks she's special

But it's all reused

That was our place, I found it first

I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you

Do you get déja vu when she's with you?

Do you get déja vu, hmm

The comments were now discussing over if me and Tom were still dating making my smile turn into a sad one.

user.d: they were so cute together!

user.c: But him and Nadia broke up!!

user.a: yeah she cheated!!!

My eyes widened and I quickly stopped the song.

"Wait, Tom and Nadia broke up? When?" I asked shocked and confused. Why hadn't he told me?

user.c: idk when but they say she cheated

I was completely taken aback. "That's news to me. Uhm, wow. I really didn't expect that!" I mumbled as I was at loss for words. "I-I hope he's ok." I said furrowing my eyebrows when I got a message on my phone.

Tommy: can you come over?

Tommy: Please

Tommy: I watched your live

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now