swing *Cherry*

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I was sitting on a swing in the park watching the people go by when I spotted him walking across the grass.

"Is that you?" I asked loadly to get his attention. He turned to me and a smile grew on his face as he walked over to me.

"Hey." He grinned as he reached my swing.

"Hey." I said looking at the boy in front of me. "You know Maggie?" I was talking about a local dealer.

"What?" He asked looking back into the direction he came from. I repeated my question and he looked back at me. "Yeah, sort of."

"Small world." I laughed and he hummed in response. I looked into his eyes and noticed something. "Holy shit!"

"What?" He asked again sounding confused. I narrowed my eyes and kept looking into his eyes.

"Your pupils are huge!" I noticed and he laughed.

"Yeah." He started and leaned closer to me. "I just did some ecstacy."

"How is it?" I whispered leaning closer too.

"It's actually really good." He said scrunching his nose in a cute way. But he was defenetly high. "I would give you some, but I.... I don't

have anymore." He whispered.

I shrugged. "That's ok. I turned some down earlier." I said. "This weird guy offered me some. He said I should pop it in my butt."

"What the fuck?" He breathed out making me laugh a little. "Really?

"Yeah." I reassured him and he looked around.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" He laughed and looked back at me.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "But he's defenetly gone."

"It's kinda disrespectful." He said scrunching his nose again.

"Yeah, well. That's just how some boys talk." I shrugged again. He smiled at me and I returned it.

"Hey, I'm really happy you're here." He smiled making me blush.

"And why is that?" I grinned and he slowly reached out and ran his fingers over the cord of the swing. My eyes travelled with his movements.

He tilted his head and pouted his lip. "Because I like you. A lot." He said making look away as my cheeks turned pinker.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"I really do!" He said slowly nodding his head. "And-" He started but laughed and I giggled at his words. He looked into my eyes and kept laughing. "And your jacket is really cool!" He giggled as his hand left the swing and carefully took the rim and my coat and ran his fingers over the fabric. "And, um." He started again. I stared at him and he looked into my eyes. "What?" He asked still laughing.

"I was just thinking." I shrugged as a big grin was on my lips.

"What are you thinking?" The boy asked.

"Just thinking that you were shady." I said still smiling. I liked him. He stared into my eyes for a moment and no one spoke.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked and I agreed and got my bag and started walking back to the dorms.

He pushed the door to my room open as I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips moved against each other. I pulled him into my room and he shut the door behind us and he gently pushed me against the wall. I sighed against his lips as he deepened it and pulled away for a second.

"Your lips taste really good." He whispered before connecting them again deepening the kiss. I pulled his jacket off his body and he slowly took mine off too. He grabbed my hips and moved his kisses to my neck letting a soft moan leave me. His hands moved under my shirt and pulled it over my head and he looked down my body. I pulled him closer and slipped my tongue into his mouth making him moan against my lips. My hands moved down his chest taking his shirt off too. He pulled me over to my bed and lay us down as he hovered over me. His hand traced circles on my stomach and he watched his movements. I closed my eyes and ran my hands through his hair letting out a sigh. He came up to my face again and looked into my eyes. He slowly moved his hand to my skirt pulling it down my legs not breaking eye contact. He leaned in and crashed his lips onto mine again. While we made out, I ran my hands down his body and to his jeans pulling them down leaving both of us in only our underwear. He left wet kisses down my neck and slipped his hand into my panties starting to rub me. He pulled them down too while he moved down my body and left kisses down my body. He got close to my core making me inhale and leave a tingle on my skin anywhere he kissed. He reached my center and hovered over me so I could feel his warm breath on me. I squirmed under him making him grab my hips and his head dipped down. My eyes fluttered shut and my mouth fell open as he started eating me out. My fingers tangled in his hair pushing him deeper making him hum into me as I got wetter. Moans left me as tension built inside me as his tongue dipped in and out of me and working me up. But his mouth left me and came up to face me again and connecting our lips. I moaned and my hands reached his boxers feeling him through the fabric as he got hard. I tugged them down taking him in my hands making his head fall into the crook of my neck humming against my skin. I removed my hands from him as he slowly pushed into me and moans left both of us. He started moving back and forth making the knot build up again. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer into me as he slowly thrusted into me. He started kissing my neck again and went faster letting more moans leave both our mouths. He groaned sending shivers down my spine and getting me closer to release. I felt him get close too as his movements got extatic and his thrusts went even faster. His hand went down and started playing with my clit sending me over the edge making my back arch into his chest as I felt him fill me up. I gasped while his movements slowed down and he panted against my neck. My hands stroked over his shoulders and his breath slowed down as he pulled out of me. He lay next to me and we stayed in silence. I turned my back to him and he turned his body to me. His hand moved from my back down my arm touching my bear skin with his warm fingers. I closed my eyes at his touch as he hugged my waist and lay his head on my shoulder. I relaxed my body and we eventually fell asleep together.

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