my name *Tom Holland*

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I came home from work after a long day and jumped on the coach instantly. I knew Haz and Harry were out so I ordered some Chinease and switched on the tv. Ten minutes later my food arrived and I started eating it on the coach. I didn't know where Tom was, I just thought he was out too. I was nearly finished with by box noodles when I heard something from upstairs. But I ignored it and continued watching my movie. But I kept hearing noises from someone upstairs.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I put my food on the table and scrunched my eyebrows together. I got up from the sofa and walked up the stairs as the noise grew loader and loader. I recognized them as moans. Someone was moaning my name.

"Ah! Fuck, Y/N!" The moans were even loader and I noticed they were coming from Toms room. The door was not shut completely and I stood in front of the door for a moment. I realized it was Tom who was moaning. Was he having sex? But he wouldn't moan my name. Without thinking I pushed the door open and stepped into the room. My eyes widened when I saw Tom lYing on his bed with hands under the sheets.

"What the fuck!" I shouted making Tom jump up from his bed as I quickly covered my eyes. "Oh my fucking god!" I laughed and heard Tom put on his jeans again.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?!" He shouted and I put my hands off my eyes. It moved from my eyes to my mouth.

"I live here!" I answered and stared at Tom. "What did I just walk into?"

"Nothing, I-" He started but I cut him off.

"You were moaning my name!" I said through my hand and my eyes widened. "You were thinking of me when you were..." I waved my hand and looked at Tom who was bright red and he covered it with his hands and turned his back to me. I walked over to him on the other side of the room and lay my hand on his shoulder. I stroked over his back and felt his back muscles tense. I let my hand run over his bicep and bit my lip as his head fell back as I traced circles over his muscles. He let out a sigh that, weirdly enough, really turned me on. I stepped closer to his body and put both my hands on his shoulders. I leaned closer and started kissing his neck making him inhale. I turned him around and my hands moved down to his jeans opening them again as I continued kissing his neck making him moan. I pulled his jeans down and pushed him into the wall as his hands grabbed my waist. My hands slipped into his boxers and I felt him already hard in my hands. A loader moan left him making me smirk against his skin as I started stroking his length. I moaned into his neck as he leaked precum in my hands and he reached to my face and pulled my face away from his neck. He was grinning at me and pulled me into his face connecting our lips. I slipped my tongue past his lips making him moan again as I kept pumping my hands on him. I kept giving him a handjob and worked him up as he moaned into my mouth. I felt him get close to his high and went faster making him release. He squeezed my waist and moaned loadly as he came over my hands. He was out of breath and had a grin on his face that I returned as I cleaned my hands. He watched me the entire time and when I looked back up at him. He was biting his lip and had lust filled eyes. Tom pulled me closer by my waist turning me around so that my back was against the wall and my hands found his shoulders again. He went down and started kissing my neck making me tangle my fingers in his curls pulling him closer. His hands went under my shirt and ran up my bear skin and pulled it over my head, only leaving my skin for a second before coming back down. A soft moan left my mouth making him go lower to my chest and over my bra leaving wet kisses down my stomach and reaching the rim of my sweats. His hands went from my waist to my trousers and pulled them down my legs while his mouth found the rim of my panties. My legs were getting week as I felt his warm breath through the fabric. My head fell back as he pulled them down too and moans left me and he kissed my thighs coming close to my core. My grip on his hair tightened making him moan into my skin sending shivers through my body and he reached my heat, hovering over it before dipping down making me moan. He started playing with my clit and eating me out letting my knees turn into jelly but I held myself up. I moaned as his tongue dipped in and out of me letting a tingle built in my stomach which quickly turned into pressure. I pushed his face deeper into me as he hummed letting the knot tighten. I moaned loader and started teasing me with his fingers. I gasped but he didn't go any further.

"Do something." I moaned and felt him grin into me. He pumped his fingers into me making my head fall back as I tried to keep myself up on my legs. The knot was begging for release and when he pushed his fingers deeper into me it released making my knees collapse. He pulled his fingers out of me as I caught my breath and opened my eyes. I sighed and took a deep breath making Tom laugh. He got up and held his hand out for me to take. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. We both put on our clothes again and he stood close in front of me. I grinned and traced circles on his chest as my other ran down his bicep.

"Could I please you?" I grinned at him and he nodded and laughed.

"But you could do that more often." He smirked and I bit my lip.

"Maybe." I said innocently and leaned closer and planted a single kiss on his neck and only brushed my lips over his jawline. He let out a long breath and I grinned and walked past him. 

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