cheater *Tom Holland*

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I was standing at the bar talking to my best friend when I looked past her to the door and spotted him walking in. A grin grew on my face as he locked eyes with me biting his lip.

"Tom's here." I said looking back at Y/B/F.

"Well, this'll be a fun night then." She grinned taking a sip of her drink as I casually flipped my hair back. I watched him walk to the other side of the room with Harrison, Harry and a girl.

"Or not. He's here with someone." I sighed and drowned my drink in one.

"Probably his sister." Y/B/F said shrugging her shoulders.

"He doesn't have sisters, Y/B/F." I said and turned my back to him even though I felt him stare at my back. I ordered another drink and it quickly came. I took another big swig and sighed.

"C'mon. make him jealous! Every dude is looking at us in here." She grinned as she moved to the dance floor with a guy. I laughed and shook my head watching her dance with him. I looked around the club deliberately skipping Tom and spotted a hot guy. He would do. I walked over to him brushing my hair off my neck and painting my sweetest smile on my lips. I reached him and lay my hand on his arm as he grinned down at me.

"You wanna dance?" I smiled and patted my lashes. He didn't say anything just grabbed my hips and pulled me on the dance floor with him. I put my one hand on his shoulder as my other held my drink and we started dancing to the song. I moved my hips to the beat and turned our bodies so I could watch Tom over the guys shoulder. His jaw was tensed and he flashed me an angry look. It was more to the guy dancing with me but I saw it. I watched him as he leaned closer to the girl and whispered something making her giggle. A smirk grew on his face as he put his hand on her waist pulling her closer making my grip on my bottle tighten. I turned around and started grinding on his crotch as he lay his hands on my waist from the back. The song switched to "break up with your girlfriend" which really fit this current situation. I turned around again and faced Tom over the guys shoulder making eye contact with him while I mouthed the lyrics at him.

Break up with you girlfriend, yeah yeah

Cause I'm bored

You could hit in the morin'

Yeah, yeah like it's yours

I know it ain't right but I don't care

Break up with your girlfriend

I sang as he kept staring into my eyes and letting go of the girl and leaning his back on the bar crossing his arms and biting his lip. He pushed off the counter and walked over to me making me let go of the guy not giving him a second glance as I walked towards Tom.

"What do you think you're doing?" He smirked looking me up and down and taking my hips as my hands found his shoulders.

"I could ask you the same thing!" I said nodding to the girl. He shrugged and pushed me on the dance floor as we started moving to the music. Our bodies moved in perfect sync as we danced together and he pulled me closer leaving no air between our bodies. He leaned his head on my shoulder breathing onto my neck as I played with the curls on the nape of his neck.

"You're a bad girl." He moaned against my skin as his hand moved over my hip and grabbed my short dress moving it up my leg making my breath hitch. I moved closer to his ear and let out a soft moan as he brushed his lips over my skin. I started walking away from the dancing crown and to one of the back rooms pushing Tom forward with my hands on his chest. I felt him smirk as I opened a door and pushed him into the dark room closing the door behind us. He instantly pushed my back into the door kissing my neck and moving both his hands under my dress. I tangled my hands in his gelled curls making him moan into my neck sending shivers down my spine. He pulled my dress over my head before taking my wrists and pushing them over my head leaning close to my face. Our lips were close to touching and I closed the area starting a heated make out that he returned. He moaned into my mouth as I moved under his shirt pulling it off his body letting my hands run over his abs. He grabbed my thighs making me jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he carried me over the room setting me down on a coach. Why the hell was there a coach here?

I straddled Toms lap connecting our lips again as I started grinding on his hard member. I felt him turn hard as I opened his jeans and pulled them down palming him through the fabric. He groaned into my mouth as I tugged his boxers off too and stroked his length. His hand slipped into my panties playing with my clit making me wet. He pulled the piece of fabric off me and swiped his fingers over my folds. I moaned and moved into his body lining him up with my entrance and sitting down on him. I took him in completely and started riding him making him go deeper with every time I went down. My hands grabbed his shoulders and he took my hips helping me move on him as load moans spilled out of both our mouths. Toms head fell back and I closed my eyes as a tight knot formed in my stomach.

"Fuck, Y/N. I missed this!" He moaned making me smirk at his words and go faster. My mouth fell open as he started kissing my neck and moving with each of my movements. The tension got unbearable and washed over me when he hit my sweet spot. My legs shook and I moaned his name as he filled me up making my bounces become slower. I opened my eyes again with a smirk on my face as I looked at the panting Tom under me. I moved down and pressed my lips onto his making him groan again as we came down from our highs.

"You missed this?" I grinned against his lips making him return the smirk as he nodded deepening the kiss. 

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now