hot tub *Tom Holland*

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I sighed as I let my body sink into the hot water. I moved to the other side of the hot tub and switched on the bubbles and sat down in the water. I just let my hands wave around in the water listening to the silence. My head hurt from all the work I had done and I breathed in the steam as the water started evaporating. After a while, I closed my eyes and relaxed my body. I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around my body from the back. I recognized him by his cent.

"Hey darling." Tom whispered into my neck plating a kiss behind behind my ear. He lay his head on my shoulder as his hands stroked over my stomach. He tilted his head and slowly started kissing my neck making me hum in response. I brought my arms back and around his neck noticing he was still fully dresses. I turned around making his mouth leave my skin as I came face to face with him. I let my wet fingers run over his face.

"Get changed." I whispered as I let go of his face and he nodded his head and left the room. I turned back around and closed my eyes again. After a few minutes I felt him get into the water with me and I opened my eyes seeing him come over to my side of the tub. He sat down next to putting his arm around me as his other lay on my thigh. I moved closer to him leaning my head on his chest as he pulled me closer into him. I rested my hand on his leg playing with the ends of his swim trunks as he stroked my thigh moving further up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as his hand slipped into my bikini bottoms. As he started playing with my clit, I moved to sit on his lap making him connect our lips. A soft moan left my lips as he worked me up and with his other hand, pulling my bottoms down. He slowly pushed a finger into me making me gasp as his mouth moved to my neck leaving open-mouthed kisses on my skin. More moans escaped me as he pumped his fingers in and out of me building up the pressure in my core. I tugged at his trunks and he helped me pull them down. I took him in my hands feeling him get hard as I stroked his length. He moaned against my skin while working wonders with his hands. More moans left us as he quickened his pace getting the knot close to release. I moved into him as he found my soft spot biting my skin sending me over the edge. I moaned as pleasure washed over my body and my legs shook. Before I could completely catch my breath again, I pulled toms face into mine again slipping my tongue into his mouth earning a groan from him. He grabbed my hips and positioned him with my entrance. I went down on him making me moan as he filled me up. I took him in completely and started moving on him slowly first but picking up my pace. He helped me move on him as my hands hugged his neck digging my nails into his back. He moaned as I crashed my lips into his again and we made out as we quickly reached our highs. I tightened my walls around him making his head fall back.

"Fuck." He moaned. "Do it again!"

I repeated it as I got close to release as he hit my g-spot.

"I'm close!" I breathed out and went faster. His hand reached down and started rubbing me sending me over the edge. High moans left me as I felt him cum inside and my movements slowed down. We caught our breaths as we came down from our highs as he hugged my waist and I let my head fall on his shoulder. A long sigh left me as I left his lap and slumped next to him. I looked around the water and saw that both, his trunks and my bikini bottoms, were floating between the bubbles. I laughed and handed him his and put mine on again. Toms arm went around me again and started stroking my shoulder. I leaned into him relaxing again.

"I love you." He whispered kissing my head.

"I love you too." I smiled and pecked his lips. 

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