steamy *Tom Holland*

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I opened our front door and walked into the hallway throwing my shoes to the side as I went. I left my bag on the kitchen counter and walked up the stairs to our rooms.

"Tom?" I shouted as I reached the top of the stairs.

"Bathroom." He shouted back and I walked into the bathroom. The lights were out and replaced with candles and there was a bubbly bath with Tom in it. The room was steamy from the hot water and it looked so pretty. Tom smiled at me and motioned me to join him so I quickly got undressed and climbed in the tub.

"This is amazing!" I whispered as I let my body sink into the hot water.

"I know how stressed you've been with work lately and I though it would be a nice change." He whispered as I put my legs where his head was.

"I love you." I smiled and leaned over to kiss him.

"I love you too." He mumbled against my lips and deepening the kiss. His arm moved around my waist and I put mine around his middle. We both pulled away and I lay my head on his chest. We just staid like that for a while, listening to each others slow breaths and letting my hand stroke over his stomach. He left a kiss on my wet hair and I looked back up at him and grinned.

"What?" He laughed as his hand went lower over my hips and onto my thigh. I leaned up to kiss him again and moved onto his lap while my hands lay on his shoulders. He slipped his tongue past my lips making me smile into the kiss as his hands pulled me closer into his body. I moaned into his mouth when his hand reached my core. I felt myself get wetter as he started rubbing me moving his kisses down my neck and chest. My hands caressed through his wet curls when he slowly pushed a finger into me making me gasp as he started pushing a second one in. He slowly pumped in and out of me as my breath got heavier with each time he went deeper and soft moans escaped me. But they were soon muffled my Toms lips on mine again. I let my hands fall from his chest down over his abs and lower making him moan into my mouth as I felt him get hard in my hands. This time, I kissed his jawline and neck as the pressure started building up. I moaned against his skin as the knot tightened and was ready for release. But his fingers left me making me look back at him pouting my lip giving him puppy eyes. He pulled me even closer so I could feel his tip slowly start to push into me making my eyes shut as breathy moans left my mouth. I went down on him taking all of him in and started to move. The pressure from his fingers returned and started building further with every thrust. More soft moans left us as I felt him get close to release too and he grabbed my hips helping me to move on him. The room got even more foggy by every second. A few thrusts later and him hitting a sweet spot inside me. The pressure released and my body fell into a feeling of extacy. I felt him cum inside me and fill me up as my movements slowed down. Tom lay his head on my shoulder while catching his breath.

"Oh my god!" He sighed against my skin. I pulled out and lay next to him sinking back into the bubbly water as Toms arm went around my shoulder. I caught my breath and leaned into his body.

"I love you." Tom whispered and kissed my head.

"I love you too." I said giving him a kiss and smiled at him. 

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now