truth or dare *Tom Holland*

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Me and my best friend walked of our dorm house and down the dark streets filled with students. It was Friday and the boys house next door was throwing a party and everyone was going. We walked into the gates and already saw people with beers or shots in their hands. Me and Y/B/F greeted some people before going into the house. It was packed with people! We walked into the big living room of the house and got us some drinks.

"Y/N! Y/B/F! You came!" We heard a voice shout from behind us. I turned around and came face to face with Tom. He had a grin on his face as he checked me out making it so obvious!

"Hey Tom!" I shouted over the load music as I hugged the boy.

"Tom, where's Haz?" Y/B/F asked and Tom pointed over to the bar where the blonde boy was pouring himself another drink. She exused herself and walked over to Haz leaving me and Tom alone.

"You wanna dance?" Tom shouted already dragging me to the dance floor. He put his hands on my hips and my one hand lay on his shoulder and my other holding my already half empty drink. The dance floor was packed with people and my body was close to Toms. When "Gimme more" by Britney Spears came on, the crowd cheered and started moving to the music. When the chorus came on, my drink was fully empty and I turned around started grinding on his crotch as his hands held my hips. Tom pulled me further into him running his hands up and down my sides as we danced together. A few songs later, and I wanted another drink.

"I'm gonna get shots!" I shouted into Toms face. "You wanna come?" Tom nodded and we left the dance floor and walked over to the kitchen. He poured us shots of straight vodka and gave me mine.

"1,2,3." I counted and we drowned the shots together one by one. The alcohol started hitting me letting me get a little fussy in my head. Haz came up behind me making me turn around.

"You guys wanna play a game with us?" He asked with a grin on his face pointing to the sofas in another room where Y/B/F and a few other friends were already sitting.

"Of course! Let's go!" Tom said grabbing two beers, handing me one before pulling me to the sofas. I sat down between Tom and Haz and took a sip from my beer.

"Let's play truth, dare or drink!" Harry, Toms brother, suggested and everyone agreed. A few truths were asked and a few dares were done and it was now Sams turn to choose the next person.

"Tom!" He decided. "Truth or dare?"

Tom thought for a moment. "Truth."

"Boring!" Haz laughed and leaned back in his seat.

"Ok." Sam said. "Who would you fuck in this round of people?" He finished making all the girls turn to Tom. He grinned and looked at every girl on the sofas until he locked eyes with me and his smirk grew bigger.

"Easy." He grinned. "Y/N."

I laughed and looked away from his stare. Haz nugged me from the side and everyone ooed making me and Tom laugh. I shook my head and looked up at Tom who was still grinning at me.

"What?" He asked innocently. "You're hot!"

I facepalmed myself but smirked. "Shut up you drunk!"

We continued playing the game and it was really fun. Until Haz picked me.

"Y/N, truth or dare?" Haz asked looking down at me.

"Dare." I said and everyone cheered again. Haz giggled devilish and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Make out with Tom." He answered a little to quick. This was their plan! I didn't mind. I've had a crush on Tom forever so if anything I wanted to make out with him.

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now