bar *Cherry*

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"You asshole!" I screamed. "I never want to see you again!" I shouted and left my ex-boyfriends dorm. I hated him so much!

"I need a drink!" I said to myself as I left the building and started walking over the campus. I kicked a few stones away angrily as I reached the town center and searched for a bar. I found one with a load of people in so I pushed the door open and looked around. I recognized a few people from uni and there were a lot of old people. I sighed and went to find a seat at the bar. I sat on one of the chairs and held my head in my hands. I sighed and closed my eyes letting me calm down from the stress of my life. My ex-boyfriend, school and work.

"Can I buy you a drink?" A random guy asked from behind.

"No." I said without even looking at him. "God I hate people." I said to myself again.

"Me too." Someone suddenly said and laughed making me look up. A guy my age, the bartender, was looking at me while making a drink.

"Got the right job then, huh?" I laughed sarcastically and he rolled his eyes but laughed.

"Yeah." He sighed and finished making the drink. "I'll be back." He said putting the glass on a tray and gave me a smile before walking away. I watched him leave and couldn't help but bite my lip. He was kinda hot! And I was officially single again. After a while, he came back behind the counter and came over to me again. I leaned on the counter and grinned at him.

"I'm Y/n." I said holding out my hand which he took.

"Nico." He smiled shaking my hand and holding on a moment longer. "What can I get you, Y/N?" He asked saying my name in a really hot voice making me bite my lip again.

"Bourbon, please." I said and he nodded his head and got me my drink.

"So, what brings a pretty girl like you in a bar like this?" He asked and looked around the bar and then back at me. I laughed as he gave me my drink and I took a sip not breaking eye contact.

"Just got cheated on." I said and his eyebrows raised.

"I'm sorry." He said leaning on the counter too.

"Don't be!" I laughed. "He was an asshole!" I said taking another big sip before setting my glass on the counter and leaning closer to him. "You go to my school." I recognized him.

"Yeah. But not long." He sighed and looked down.

"Why?" I asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"Ey, new guy! I don't pay you to hit on girls!" Some guy from behind the bar shouted, I guessed he was the manager.

"Sorry." Nico sighed and I just laughed and waved him away.

"Go do your job." I laughed and he nodded and left. The evening went on and I watched him serve table after table. The more I looked at him, in his uniform, the more I wanted to see him without. He kept looking at me too, looking me up and down and grinning at me. So when his shift ended, he got changed and walked up to me. He leaned his back on the counter and smirked at me.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"Sure." I grinned and we ordered shots. They came quickly and we drowned them one by one. We talked for a while, laughed and got drunk as the night went on. After our fifth drink, he grabbed my hand pulling me up from my seat and leading me in a back room of the bar. He opened a door and led me into a dimly lit room with a table and a lot of shelves on the walls. He pushed my back against the wall and came close to my face so I could feel his warm breath on my face. I grinned and pulled him closer by the neck connecting our lips. It quickly turned into a make out and he was demanding as he slipped his tongue into my mouth letting me moan into the kiss. His hands moved to my waist pressing his body into mine as we made out. He suddenly moved away from the door and pulled me across the room not breaking the kiss before my back it a table. I jumped onto it and he parted my legs coming between them. I pulled him closer and ran my hands through his hair making him moan. His hands moved under my shirt and pulled it over my head and connecting our lips again. I took his shirt off to and ran my hands over his bear chest while I wrapped my legs around his waist feeling him on my core making me moan. I moved down his body and undid his jeans pulling them down and he did the same to me leaving both of us in only our underwear. His hands stroked over my thighs making me moan again as he moved his mouth to my neck leaving wet kisses on my skin. I hugged his neck and moaned into the crook of his neck. His hand moved further up my thigh and slipped into my panties as I got wet at his touch. He traced circles on my clit as his other hand hooked around them and took them off. As more moans left me, he suddenly pumped his fingers into me making me gasp as my head fell back in pleasure. He started ruffly curling in and out of me making me weak. I pulled his face into mine again and deepened it muffling my moans. He kept working me up as my hands moved to his boxers and felt him through the fabric making him moan into my mouth. I slipped my hand past the waist band and took him in my hands making him moan loader. I pulled them down as pressure started building inside me as he quickened the pace of his fingers. But he removed them from me and lined himself up with me. I pulled him closer making him slowly push into me as moans left both of us. He filled me up completely as his head fell back and I kissed his neck and jawline making him moan loader. He started thrusting into me quickly as the pressure increased and we started making out again. I moved with every thrust and the knot tightened with every movement. He moved down to my neck again and slightly bit the skin leaving marks behind. I quickly reached my high and felt him get close too. He quickened his pace making me gasp and release. My back arched into him and my nails dug into his back as I felt him cum inside me.

"Fuck." He moaned as he road his high while I slowly came down and we both caught our breaths. I loosened my grip and he pulled out. We put our clothes on again and he took my hips again while my arms hugged his waist.

"You wanna come back to my place?" He grinned and I nodded.

"Yes." I laughed and we left the bar hand in hand. 

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now