cook *Sam Holland*

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I walked into the grand hotel building looking around the old mansion in awe. I greeted the receptionist who knew who I was and walked through the hotel to the staff area. I met some more people on my way and smiled at all of them. When I reached the 'do not enter' doors, I pushed them open and walked down the hallway and to the back door. The kitchen. I entered and was welcomed with the smell of delicious food.

"What are you cooking today?" I asked into the room looking around.

"Y/N!" Sam smiled and came over wrapping his arms around me. "You're here!"

"Of course I am. Couldn't miss my boyfriend in his chefs costume." I laughed and hugged him giving him a kiss.

"Not costume." Sam laughed against my lips as my arms went around his neck. He leaned in and we shared another kiss. "I need to get back to work. But I got us a room for the night and I'll bring you food up." He grinned and I raised her eyebrows.

"Wow, what a service!" I smiled. "I'll be waiting in the tea room." I said before kissing him again and waving to the others before walking out and taking a seat in the old sofa in another room.


"Hey love." Sam smiled and jumped next to me hugging my waist again.

"Hey Sammy." I smiled and ran my hands through his hair.

"Here's the room key." He said and gave me a hotel key which I took. "I'll be off work in half an hour." He continued and I nodded my head.

"I'll be waiting." I grinned and kissed him as he hummed against my lips in response before getting up and leaving to the kitchen again.

I got up from the couch and walked through the hotel lobby and to the elevator getting in and pressing a button making the doors close and the elevator go up. They opened again and I stepped out walking through the old hallways to the room number. I unlocked the old wooden door and stepped into the room.

"Wow." I sighed and closed the door behind her. The room had a king sized bed in the middle and a beautiful balcony with a view over the forest. I jumped on the huge bed and laughed to myself making it comfortable and closing my eyes.


"That looks comfortable." Sam laughed from the door making me open my eyes and smile at him .

"It is." I laughed sitting up. "What you got there?" I asked nodding to a plate in Sams hand.

"Food." He laughed sitting down next to me. But I took the plate from him and placed it on the bedside table moving closer to him and connecting our lips as he hovered over me placing his hands on my waist as mine hugged his neck as we made out. We moved under the covers and I sighed against his lips. My hands travelled under his shirt and pulled it off before connecting our lips again as my hands roamed his body. He moaned into my mouth as he stroked up my sides moving under my shirt. I wrapped my arms around Sams neck wrapping my legs around his waist as he slipped his tongue past my lips making me moan. Our tongues swirled around one another and the kiss got heated and needier with each second. My hands travelled over his front and opened his jeans pulling them down and feeling him hard through the fabric. He pulled my jeans off and stroked over my thigh reaching the rim of my panties and touching me hooking his fingers around them and pulling them off. I moaned as his thumb rubbed on my clit and I tugged his boxers down and taking him in my hands feeling him get fully hard. He broke the kiss and searched for his jeans coming back with a condom and pressing his lips onto mine as I moaned against his lips. He slipped the condom on and pushed into me starting to slowly thrust into me as he moved his kisses to my neck. I pulled him closer and ran my hands through his soft hair as more moans left us and pressure started building inside. He picked up his pace moving faster and hitting my g-spot with every thrust quickly making me reach my high. He moved his kisses to my jawline hitting my sweet spot sending me over the edge as my back arched into his chest and I grabbed his hair in my fists. I pulled his face into mine again as his movements became sloppier and his breath was fast against my lips. My grip on his hair loosened as we came down from our highs and he eventually pulled out falling next to me. He hugged my waist moving closer to my body as we caught our breaths and stayed in silence looking out of the big windows as the sun disappeared behind the trees. I put on my panties again and sat up leaning over and taking the plate of food.

"Seriously?" Sam laughed looking up at me as I tucked into the semi cold food.

"It's really good!" I grinned and enjoyed the rest of my food as we watched the sun set.

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now