church *Arvin Russell*

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I entered the towns little church and greeted all the families. Everyone sat down and the priest started our prayers. A few minutes later, the church doors opened and all the heads turned to see who was late. It was Arvin and his sister Lenora. Arvins eyes travelled through the people and locked eyes with me as a grin grew on his face. We had a little thing going on but no one knew and no one should know. Arvin made his way to the free seats on my bench and Lenora followed him. He sat down right next to while everyone was still staring at them. After a few moments of unbearable silence, everyone started praying again. I gave Lenora a small smile and then closed my eyes and continued my prayer. But suddenly, I felt a hand on my thigh going under my dress. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Arvins. I pushed it away and looked at him with a questioning look.

"We're in church!" I mouthed without making any sound and making him smirk. He never prayed in church. He just came to protect Lenora like he always does.

After church, everyone left the little building and stood in groups and talked. Arvin was leaning on his car and watched me exit the doors and walk over to Lenora who was talking to some girls from school. I joined them and we chatted for a while. The girls wanted to go to the diner but I decided to not join them and walked over to Arvin.

"Can you give me a ride?" I asked with a smile on my face. He smiled back and walked around his car.

"Get in." He said and we both sat down in his car. "where do you wanna go?" He asked leaning over to me and staying inches away from my face.

"Somewhere private." I whispered making him laugh as he started driving. After a short drive through the forest, we arrived at a deserted spot off the road.

"This is where you decided to go?!" I laughed as I looked around.

"No one will come here." Arvin said leaning over to me again. I went closer connecting our lips and crawling on his lap. His hands went under my dress and his fingers hooked around my panties. I pulled his jacket off and took his shirt off too. He opened my dress and let it fall to my hips as his mouth moved down to my neck. Moans left me as he hit my sweet spot and biting my skin defenetly leaving a mark behind. My hands travelled down his chest and to his jeans opening them. He moaned against my skin as I felt him through his boxers. He pushed me back against the steering wheel and left kisses over my body. I pulled his boxers down and grabbed him connecting our lips again. He slipped his tongue past my lips and groaned into my mouth as I lined him up and sat down on him. I moaned and ran my hands through his hair. I sunk down completely and more moans left both of us. I started moving and he grabbed my hips helping me rock up and down. We continued making out as a knot built inside me and it tighten with everytime I felt him deep inside me. My head lay in the crook of his neck as I moaned against his skin. The pressure quickly built up and was close to release.

"I'm close." I moaned as his hand went down and started playing with my clit releasing the pressure as my legs shook and I felt him cum inside me. He sweared as my movements slowed down. A few moments later I pulled him out and sat on his lap as we both caught our breaths.

"Oh my god!" Arv sighed and leaned back in the seat. I pulled my dress up again and put my arms around Arvins neck. His hands found my hips and he leaned forward and kissed my lips again. Arvin was mine and I didn't think he was shady or bad. He was nice to me. And gave me what I wanted. 

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