the shoot *Harry Holland*

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I walked out of the hair and make up room and looked around the room. There was a young man standing at the background wall for the shoot, talking to my instructor. I walked over to them and greeted my manager.

"Hi Y/N. I would like you to meet the photographer for your shoot." She said. "This is Harry Holland." She introduced the boy with cute curls. I looked into his eyes and smiled at him.

"Hi. I'm Y/N." I said as we hugged.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Harry said as he looked me up and down. A smirk growing on his face. I grinned back at the boy. He looked really good! He was wearing a plane white sweatshirt and jeans with his camera in hand. I quickly pushed some dirty thoughts away. I need to stay professional! So I pulled myself together and started the shoot. I posed and Harry took photos. I changed outfits twice and moved around to different backgrounds. When we finally had a break, I walked over to Harry who was looking through the photos.

'Hey." I smiled at the boy. His concentrated face turned into a smile too.

"Hi. I was just looking at the photos." He said showing me his camera. I looked at the pictures and they were really good!

"Wow! Harry, you're really talented!" I said clicking through his camera roll.

"Thanks." He smiled. "but it's not just the photographer who needs to be good. You're really pretty!"

I looked up at him and smiled looking into his brown eyes. "Thank you." I said. "You're not like other photographers. Not any creepy middle aged men who hit on models. It's nice!" I smiled and Harry nodded his head. We then continued the shoot and it was really fun. When we finished, I went to put on my own clothes and get the make up off. I left the set as one of the last. When I walked out of the doors, Harry was leaning at the wall. When he spotted me, he walked over.

"Hey Y/N." He said walking next to me.

"You waited for me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I wondered if you wanted to go back to my place. I swear I'm not a creep!" He laughed. Harry was really sweet, so why not!?

"Yeah. I'd love to." I smiled and he led me to his car. While he drove us through London, we talked about the business and other random things. I admired how passionate he was about photography. He showed me some of his photos and they were really good! He had the newest Nikon model and I knew it was one of the best. It was so much fun with harry and we laughed a lot and the conversation was really flowing.

When we arrived at his house, he led me to the door and we walked in together.

"I live with my brother and best mate but they aren't there at the moment." He explained and I nodded. "You want a beer?" he asked.

"Yeah sure." I said and he handed me a bottle. I took a sip as I looked around the kitchen. It was really nice. Modern with ceramic counter and bar chairs. I sat down on one and Harry leaned on the counter next me. My eyes travelled from his eyes to his lips and back. He looked at me and grinned. We both slowly leaned in. But before our lips touched, he stopped.

"Is that ok?" Harry asked in a whisper. I just nodded my head and leaned in further, connecting our lips. The kiss went from soft to passionate and slightly needy. He stood between my legs his hands on my waist and mine caressing through his curls. He lifted me up and carried me to his bedroom, lying us down on a big bed. My hands went under his shirt lifting it over his head. He took my shirt of too and looked down my body with a sweet smile on his face. We continued to make out as his hands travelled to my sweatpants pulling them down. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he went down to kiss my neck. A quiet moan escaped me and I took off his jeans too. I looked deep into his eyes and leaned in to kiss his lips again. He took of my panties and touched me as a got wet. I moaned into his mouth making him smirk against my lips. I tugged at his boxers and he helped me pull them down. He reached over to his bedside table and got out a condom and I put it onto him. I could feel him get hard in my hands and he slowly pushed into me. He moaned into my neck as he started thrusting into me, slowly at first put picking up pace. Load moans escaped both of us as the pressure in my stomach increased. Soon it was begging for release and I could feel him getting close too.

"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned and he went even faster. He kept kissing my neck and when he hit my sweet spot, the knot burst and a wave of warmth went through my body. Moments later the thrusts became slower and he collapsed on top of me. He pulled out of me and lay down under the covers.

"That was ......" He said out of breath.

"... really good!" I finished his sentence and he grinned at me nodding his head. His arms curled around my waist and mine went around his middle. We just lay there in silence and eventually fell asleep together. 

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