the deal *Tom Holland*

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"Please Daddy." I begged. "Can I please come with you?" I gave my father a look that I knew he couldn't resist. He never could.

"Fine." My dad gave in. "You can come tonight."

"Yes. Thank you daddy." I smiled and kissed his cheek before I went back to my room to get ready. I had to look formal for the meeting with the Holland family. If my parents wanted to make this deal, I would have to be prepared. I put on a short black dress and straightened my hair. I put on some make up and chose black heels. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked formal but still hot. I knew the family had 4 sons and one was my age. Anyways. I got my purse and went out into our big living room. My whole family was already there.

"I'll be fine." My brother was reassuring my parents.

"Ok. We will be back at the latest 2 a.m." My mum told him and they both got up. When my parents spotted me, they walked over and we left our house. It was more a mansion. My family was in the mafia. Like the Hollands.

Our driver took us to their house and we got out of the car and stepped up the big stairs to the front doors. My dad rang the bell and a few moments later a boy my age opened the door. A smirk grew on his face when he spotted me. He looked me up and down and I looked into his eyes. They were dark brown.

"Hello Mr. Y/L/N." Mr. Holland said from behind the boy. "This is my son Tom." He introduced the boy who didn't break eye contact with me. They both stepped aside letting us into the open hall with a big stairs in the middle. It was about the same size as our house but in a more royal style. With red carpets and marble table with flowers. Mrs. Holland came out of big open doors on one side of the room and greeted my parents and me.

"Tom. Would you be so kind and show Y/N around the house?" His mum asked looking at Tom. "The adults will discuss business."

"Of course mum." He said nodding. "Come with me." He motioned me to follow him and I did.

"So why did you come with your parents?" Tom asked me as we walked up the big stairs.

"I wanted to. Someday, I will run the business and I want to have experience. But my parents also wanted me to meet the Holland boys." I answered and looking at the boy next to me. He was very muscular and extremely handsome. His white shirt was tight on his arms and he had the sleeves rolled up. His curls were gelled back loosely and his jawline..... wow.

"Like what you see?" I was torn out of my thoughts by Toms voice. I grinned and shook my head. We kept walking down a long hallway and Tom showed me all the rooms. We came to one of the many doors and Tom knocked.

"Come in." A boys voice shouted from the other side. We entered and I looked around the room. It was very big and the furniture was classic but modern. A boy, about my brothers age, was sitting in a big armchair in a corner.

"Sam, this is Y/N Y/L/N. She is here with her parents to make the deal." Tom introduced me.

"Hello Y/N. It's nice to meet you." Sam said getting up from the chair and giving me quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Nice to meet you too, Sam." I said giving him a sweet smile. We left his room again and knocked on the opposite door. This time, a boy with curly hair opened and looked at us. Tom introduced me again and the boy, same age as Sam, nodded his head.

"Hi. I'm Harry." He said shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." I politely said and Tom led me to yet another door. It had wooden sticky letters on it that said "PADDY". That was cute! He must be the youngest brother. Tom knocked again and a little boy opened. Toms expression instantly changed. It was loving and welcoming as he looked at his little brother.

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