shooting *Tom Holland*

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I walked into our private shooting range and let my hands run over all the guns. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I always came here for some alone time and peace and quiet. Maybe it was an odd place to come to but people rearly came here. I chose my ususal gun and walked over to a little table opposite the target. I took the earmuffs and put them on taking the gun in my hands. I undid the safety and closed one eye to focus on my target. My finger hovered over the trigger and pulled it back making the bullet release. The force of the shot slightly push me back but at this point I was used to it. I looked at the target and saw I had hit the direct middle. I smiled to myself and kept shooting. After half an hour I took a break and sat down on the leather coach on the other side of the room. I steared into nothingness just enyoing being by myself. I didn't realise Tom until I got up to start shooting again. He was standing in the door frame with his arms crossed on his chest and a small smirk on his face. Our families and the Osterfields had been working and living together since we could remember. We grew up together and Tom and I were basically dating. I smiled at him and took the gun in my hands again and lining it up with the target. I pulled the trigger and hit a little past the middle. I felt Tom come up behind me and he lay his hands on my hips laying his head on my shoulder from the back. I shot one more time then put the gun down again as he started slowly kissing my neck. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes letting my head fall back on his shoulder. His hands hugged my waist laying on my lower stomach stroking over my jeans. I let my hands run over his lower arms feeling his veins and muscles tense when I touched him. His one hand went up and pushed my hair from my neck and leaving wet kisses over my skin. A breathy moan left me as he turned me around so that I faced him. I opened my eyes and let my hands run through his curls massaging the back of his head. We both leaned in and connected our lips, him deepening the kiss letting his tongue run over my lips before slipping into my mouth. His hands slowly went under my shirt and I felt his warm fingers touch my skin as he ran them up and down my back. I started walking over to the sofa not breaking the kiss and pulling him with me. I let my hands go under his shirt running over his v-line and abs pulling it over his head. I started tracing small circles on his bear chest as he pulled my shirt off my body too. I slowly started kissing his jawline and neck going down to his chest making him moan. He pushed me down on the coach and came between my legs reconnecting our lips. His movements were slow and erotic working me up at a painfully slow pace. He opened my jeans and slipped them off leaving me in only my lingerie. I pulled his trousers down too and flipped us over so I sat on his lap making him smirk at me as my hands reached down pulling his boxers down revealing his dick. I felt myself get wetter at the sight of him and a grin grew on my face as I kissed his lips and took him in my hands stroking his length as he groaned into my mouth. I felt him leak precum on my hands making move my kisses down his jaw and chest again feeling him get fully hard in my hands. I kept running my hands over him and felt him get close when he released into my hands, load moans escaped his mouth. I let go of him and cleaned my hands and he pulled my face into his again giving me a passionate kiss.

"Such a good girl for me." He whispered staying only millimeters away from my face as I looked into his dark eyes. His hands moved from my waist to the rim of my panties pulling them down and starting to run his fingers over my folds. I moaned into the crook of his neck as he collected all my wetness and making a tingle form in my stomach. He suddenly stopped his movements making me squirm around nothing when he pumped two fingers into me making a load moan leave my mouth. He pulled out completely before pushing into me again. A knot started forming inside me and with each thrust getting me closer to release.

"Uh, fuck." I moaned as I got really close. But Tom stopped making me look back at him with a questioning look. He just grinned and pulled my further into his body making him line up with my entrance. I went up slightly only to sink down on him as both of us moaned. I bucked my hips squeezing him inside me.

"So fucking tight." He breathed out and I started moving on him. I moved up and down a few times until he grabbed my hips flipping us over again now him and top. The knot in my stomach from his fingers tightened as he started thrusting into me quickly. Soon, it released turning me into a moaning mess. But he wasn't even close to finishing so he thrusted through my orgasm as I came down from my high. But a new knot started building again and I felt him get close as he twitched inside me. As I got closer he released into me making his movements slow down and leaving me wanting to cum a second time. He pulled out of me out of breath and me throbbing wanting to release too. My hand went down and I started pleasuring myself. But Tom grabbed my wrist and replaced it with his hands rubbing circles on my clit.

"My job, princess." He whispered in a husky voice before hovering over me again and kissing my neck. I moaned as the pressure got unbearable and when he hit my sweet spot with his mouth I released making my back arch into his body and his fingers slowly leaving me as I came down from my second high. Tom slumped next to as I caught my breath.

"Holy shit!" I gasped and leaned on my arms to look at the boy next to me who laughed.

"Good?" He asked with a cheeky grin on his lips as he cupped my cheek.

"Yeah." I breathed out before he connected our lips again.  

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