mornings *Tom Holland*

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"I'm gonna got to bed." I announced as I got up from Toms arms.

"Ok." He smiled and let go of my hand. "I'll be there in a minute." He said and I nodded my head.

"Night Haz. Good night Harry." I said waving at the boys and walking to our room.

"Night." They both mumbled and I walked up the stairs and into our room. I got changed into my pyjamas and lay down in bed and got my book out of my drawer. I started reading and after 20 minutes the door slowly opened and Tom stepped in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey babe." He whispered and got his pyjama bottoms out too.

"Hey." I whispered back and he started getting changed, pulling his shirt over his head and taking his jeans off too and then putting on his pyjamas. I watched him the whole time and he grinned at me when he noticed. I returned the smirk and turned back to my book. He came over to the bed and jumped next to me making me laugh. His arm hugged my waist as he came under the sheets and I put my book away. Tom was now looking at me as we tangled our legs together and I lay down with him putting my head on his chest as my arm went around his middle. But he brought his head down to face me and I looked into his eyes and lightly stroked my fingers over his cheek and jawline. He pulled me closer by my hips and connected our lips giving me a passionate kiss. I sighed into the kiss as his tongue grazed over my lips before slipping past them and deepening the kiss. My arms hugged his neck and played with the curls on the nape of his neck as he hovered over me. Both his hands were now on my waist and he came between my legs making me wrap my legs around him. Just as the kiss started to become heated, and I slowly started feeling him get hard, I pulled away making him pout. I grinned and really slowly let my hand run down his bear chest.

"I'm tired." I whispered with a provocative smirk on my face. Tom let out a groan and started fake crying.

"Damn Y/N. You got me worked up!" He laughed and slumped next to me. "This is unfair!" He whined as I wrapped my arms around him again laughing a little. Tom knew it was over so he sighed and turned the lights off and then put his arm around me again as I cuddled into his chest. But I wasn't finished teasing so my hand travelled over his chest and down over his abs making him inhale. I went lower over his v-line and started playing with the rim of his pyjamas as a proud smirk grew on my face. But he couldn't see because it was pitch black. He whined again and wiggeled his legs making me laugh.

"I hate you!" He joked and he turned his body to me pulling me closer into him.

"I love you too." I laughed and closed my eyes.

I woke up from Toms hand going under my shirt. I yawned and turned around to face him as his hand went further up my stomach and reached my boobs. I opened my eyes to see him grin at me and look down my body. He looked into my eyes and I bit my lip.

"Morning, darling." Tom said in his extremely hot morning voice. He leaned closer and connected our lips before I could say anything. I deepened the kiss and pulled him into me again. He crawled over my body and rested on top of me as our tongues swirled around each other. He moaned into my mouth and pulled my shirt over my head before coming down and smashing our lips together again. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my hands roamed his body and found his pyjama bottoms and pulling them down. He moved his kisses down to my neck lightly biting my skin leaving hickeys where he went. I moaned as he found my sweet spot and he pulled my shorts off and started grinding his hips onto me making me soaking for him. He moaned into my neck as I touched him through his boxers feeling him get hard as I tugged them down his legs. He moved his kisses over my collarbone and over my chest leaving wet kisses down my body until he reached the rim of my panties and let out a hot breath over me. His fingers hooked around them and pulled them off too as he grabbed my hips to stop me from moving. I squeezed my thighs together to release some tension but he quickly parted them making me squirm around nothing.

"Do something." I moaned and felt him grin into me. His head dipped down and started sucking on my clit making me gasp as my eyes shut and my back arched. My fingers tangled in his curls pushing him deeper making him hum into me sending vibrations through my body. Pressure quickly started building in my core as moans left my mouth and he kept eating me out.

"More." I moaned and he obliged by suddenly pumping two fingers into me as he pulled my leg over his shoulder giving him more access to me. I moved into him as he quickly curled his fingers in and out of me. I turned into a moaning mess for Tom as the pressure begged for release.

"Fuck, Tom!" I gasped as I came over him. A high moan left me as pleasure washed over my body. Toms fingers left me and his head came up to my face again. I pulled him into me again connecting our lips tasting myself on him. He moaned into my mouth as I started pumping my hands over his cock feeling him get hard in my hands. I reached over and got a condom then slipped it onto him while his head fell onto me shoulder. He lined up with my entrance and pushed in making both of us moan. He quickly picked up his pace and started thrusting into me. My eyes shut as he started kissing my neck and over the marks he already left behind. I pulled his face away from my skin and connected our lips. He went faster letting the knot inside me tighten as my nails dug into his back muscles. I felt him get close to his high as I got close too. Our lips fought for dominance and he took over exploring every inch of my mouth. The tension got unbearable and a few quick thrusts later and the knot burst letting my whole body shake at the feeling and I saw stars. Tom moaned into my mouth as I felt him fill the condom and he gasped collapsing on top of me. We caught our breaths and he slowly pulled out of me letting me sigh as he slumped next to me under the sheets.

"Nice way to start the day." I laughed and ran my hands over my face.

"Defenatly." Tom grinned. 

One Shots ~Tom Holland [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now