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After all the problems I forgot my best-friend from Bangladesh was coming here. Let me tell you guys about her. First, of all, she is beautiful, she has beautiful red long hair, her eyes are the perfect brown that matches her skin, she's pretty skinny but not so much, she's just beautiful I told you! Guess what her name is! It's Anika she's beautiful we have been friends for so long I lost count of it. She went back to her country cause of her parents, but she's finally coming back!! That reminds me I need to get ready and go pick her up with my mom!


I got ready early in the morning to go see Ezgi and maybe even hang out for a while, me being me trying to impress her I did my hair and dressed up good, I usually don't care about what I wear but I feel the need of dressing nicely to impress her cause I don't know if she likes me or not so it's like starting from the start. I'm finally out of the house over to hers.


I knocked on the door Ezgi's dad answered
"Hello, son!"
"Hello Mr, I'm here to ask if I could see Ezgi for a second"
" Ezgi isn't at home at the moment her and her mom went to pick up her friend that's coming over"
" Oh, I'm sorry for without asking her I'll talk to her later then" I said disappointedly.
"No come in, they'll come soon" that's really nice of him, so I said sure and we talked about football and all the man things.


We were at the airport waiting for Anika I was so happy I couldn't stand still!!Then I see her looking around to find us. 

"ANIKAAAA". She saw us and we started running towards each other.

" Omg Ezgi I missed you so much"
" I missed you too now let's goo we have things to catch up on"

While driving home we jammed along to 5sos I love them she's EH about it but she's soo nice that she still sang with me.


We finally get home exhausted from singing our lounges out. Something I wasn't ready for Niall. The moment we walked in I saw him chatting up with my dad, why even is he here. I take both Anika and Niall up to my room, now it's weird I can't catch up with Anika and Niall is the only boy so me being me dumb I asked him to call the other boys.


Ezgi asked me to call the boys over I guess she saw how awkward I was this isn't a good sign.

One by one all the boys come lastly Harry Edward Styles.


I'm always late. I walk in expecting everything to be normal, but nope there was another girl with the cutest brown eyes and the perfect red hair sitting with Ezgi talking to the boys, that moment I felt jealousy that moment I wanted to hold her in my arms. I had no idea why I was feeling this way, this can't be love right? I asked God to find the love of my life soon but not this soon, not this pretty, not this perfect.


Someone else walked in when I was talking to Liam all these guys were so funny and cute I can't believe Ezgi talked to these people she isn't usually the girl to talk to boys these hot. The moment I turned my head to see who came in, I couldn't believe my eyes, he was beautiful , with the perfect green eyes, updated ?and the curliest hair I've ever seen in my life. The moment I realized I was checking him out I started blushing and saw the cutest dimple on his cheek he was beautiful. He started walking my way not breaking the eye contact looking straight through my soul.

"Hi, I'm Harry"

"Hi, I'm Anika"


Dun dun update? Haha I hope you guys like it! The last part is from the legend series aka last words in the campion if you get it I LOVE YOUU
If you don't it's k I still love you! 😘😘 give some feedback? I'll be so happy ttyl guys !!!

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