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Math and French are done lunchhhh timeee !!! I love lunch I get to eat and not deal with a teacher but the boys...... I'm still shocked that they didn't do anything to me yet hmmm. They'll probably beat the crap out of me after detention. I got my food out of my locker which was a full locker I'm very lucky to have this locker.  Not really if you look at the rest of my life....... anyways I got my chocolate, Arizona, and Oreos.... meet my boyfriend, food :) haha I'm not even funny I should stop. I walked to the garden area of the school to avoid humans since I do not get along with them really well; you know my life I don't need to explain.

I am happy to say the school ended without any humans aka the boys killing me to death now time for detention ....


I walked into the class to see who? all the boys this is going to be AWESOME (sarcasm) I walked to one of the desks away from them while I can see them eyeing me and talking.. Dayum stalkers. I took my phone and my headphones ready to listen to music when

teacher: No phones put it away now!

UGHH wtf what am I going to do staying in the same class as my bullies ??

Me: What if I don't?

Teacher: Mrs. Gebrie you do what I say.

oh really since when?

Me: Since when? cmon this is a boring class, not my fault my dad dropped me late

Teacher: Would you like a call home? I will be honored to do that!

Me: Go a head I don't really care you know!

I seriously dont know where talking back to a teacher came from but I did and I'm happy c'mon I'm sure everybody wanted to do it once in there life

After the teacher left I pulled my phone out to be taken away from me as I look up who do I see ? Niall horan my bully you know that feeling when you feel happy about what you did yeah all that washed away as soon I saw Niall that happy feeling turned to sadness

I think I should tell you guys that yeah me and the boys never been friends since we were kids I was just the "weird" kid I never understood why. Gemma or Zayns or Liams or even Louis sisters were too young, too old I just never was a social human being and even though I talked to none of them basically if we went somewhere I would always be on my phone or the old days wise playing in my room by myself but I did always look at this people as my old/ young/ just brothers sisters but they never thought of me like that which I don't really care but I still do look at these people as my "brothers" even though they bully me. Our families are like actually families, I don't tell anyone cause I dont want anybody getting hurt or our families having problems; yeah this is the reason I keep it in me.

I come back to life by a slap

Niall: I fucking asked you a damn question!

Me: um..........

Harry: Who do you think you are by acting all bad ass? huh, who?

yeah, who am I to think that? what about you harry huh who do you think you are to bully me?


and the more they asked the more I answered in my mind and looked like a idiot human on the outside I did kinda felt stupid around them. I just didn't I guess had the courge to talk back to them

Which made them beat the crap outta me in detention room I didnt actually really care anymore I was done well I meant use to them beating me up any where and every where ........


A/N Hello longer chapter hope you enjoy :) tell me what you think and give feed back! I love all the support and the "its amazing" "its a great book" thank you very much I love you <33 I was thinking of doing something like updatein while playing a game together kinda thing you know where you guys do something ( comment) I pick a person to give shout out or something tell me what you think you lovely humans :) If you think thats good let me know and I'll have like theme thing kinda thing for every chapter :)) Let me know I love you Please Comment follow and fan Vote or how ever this works :))))))) xoxo

-Jade xxxx

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