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Niall wherever I look I see Niall my dream: Niall hallway: Niall. He's everywhere I don't want to see him I want to run away get away from these people go somewhere I have never been maybe then I won't see him I won't feel scared I  feel safe where were he isn't.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I was bored out of my fucking mind and thought I could stare at Ezgi for some odd reason, I was looking until I saw movement on her hands which gave me enough hope to keep doing what I was doing the next thing I know her beautiful eyes are looking around the room probably wondering where she is ....... wait hold up did I just call her eyes beautiful puff hell no her eyes beautiful no! there boring green plus I see Harry's eyes all the same which is same as Ezgi's so no ew I can't believe I just said that. Back to the point, she looked scared and when she made eye contact with me she looked like she saw a ghost does she like me or something? like I'm sure she does but pfff me dating her even having a crush on her? hahaha, nice story bro. Like c'mon think about it I'm a popular guy while she's just she like c'mon would you if you were in my place yeah that's what I thought.

*Harry's P.O.V*

Niall seemed to be in deep thoughts looking into her as in Ezgi's room probably saying some crappy shit or feeling sorry which we all do. Oh yeah do you guys know Niall's secret that I and the boys know but Niall doesn't?  He loves Ezgi yeah you might be like ew that asshole she will never date him that's true, a point for you but Niall doesn't know he's still trying to figure everything out and that's why he seems like a shitty human but when he finally realizes his love for Ezgi and leave that slut that his dating then I promise you he will be the best human you have ever seen we just gotta wait.

I was zoned in my world when I heard screams I shot from seat looking around to see Niall screaming we ran well as in we everybody that's waiting for Ezgi  ran there to see Ezgi awake trying to pull the strings out of her body that sends her mom and our moms to deadly crying while we are staring Nialls screaming Liam being the smart ass of the group ran and got a doctor to help her .


A/N sorry sorry sucky had no ideas what this chapter had in just wrote what came to my mind hope you enjoy.

Reader of the Chapter is:  @NiallHoranLover1327

Thank you for reading love! I have noticed that ur new? thank you for the votes ♡♥

Quote of the Chapter:  " Just Cause She's Pretty, Doesn't Mean You're Ugly"

The question of the Chapter: We shall name these readers of this book something right? I think we should give names we could call the reader :)

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