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After Carter explained to my dad what happened he took me upstairs to wash  off the blood and stuff which I was so grateful for, he was cute, nice, amazing and our families new each other which I loved he was just amazing himself never knew someone as perfect as him could be alive this was not true I was probably dreaming.

After all the cleaning he took me downstairs still carrying and if the guys see me like this it will be way worse. I tried to get up but he didn't let me 

Dad: Carter come eat wit us 

No dad there is only one seat and that's mine if he sits there where am I  going to sit huh? ugh dad 

Carter: Coming

As we walked in without thinking he sat on my spot and made me sit on his lap awe he cares so much I like him a lot

Mom: What would you like Carter?

Carter: I'll get what Ezgi's getting on one plate, please

Me: We're going to share plates?

Carter: Yeah if that's fine with you

HELL YES IT IS FINE WITH ME  but I kept it cool outside and smiled at him when our food came he fed aka gave me food like a baby and ate him self okay I was falling hard really badly and I didn't mind when I looked up all the parents were smiling at us and the boys look like they could kill me here.

After amazing and awkward dinner we kids went to my room which had a PlayStation 4 and obviously, Carter went crazy seeing that awee while guys just sat on my bed cause usually they beat the crap outta me now but Carters here so they can't which is good

Carter: OMG how do you have this you're a girl !!


Me: So? I play it sometimes when I'm bored  

Carter: Omg I love you man can we play? or Can I  

Me: Go a head you can even  take some if you don't have it 

Niall: Yeah cause he's poor; would you like some of our clothes?

Carter: I'm not poor my family is as rich as yours I just don't get everything I want!

Harry: You don't cause you're a loser 

and Carter started fighting them, I had to stop them but how I'm sure breaking them up  wouldn't work 


they stop by my voice which I ran to Carter checking if his okay but he just stood up standing in front of me like a shield ............


A/N You beautiful people here is Chapter 5 sorry its ratchet I had to hurry writing have a science test tomorrow and need to work on that do a video update all my books hope you enjoy !!!! Like Vote Comment and Follow me !!!! -Jade xxxxxxx

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