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*Niall's P.O.V*

Today was Ezgi's first day coming from being away for like a month and I can see she was scared yeah truth we have been better almost to no beating but now the boy's sisters are bullying her more than us I'm lucky Greg's more on the side of helping her than hurting her. Even if he tried I wouldn't let it happen.

I and the boys were already at school waiting for Ezgi to come in. And she finally did which felt like 100 years oh yeah haha did I tell you about this new kid we got? His name is Troy Sivan what a name, he's gay ha ha new target to hit and let Ezgi have some days off I'm so evil.

*Ezgi's P.O.V*

I walked in the school people talking about a new kid being gay or something well I hope they treat him right. So far the school has been good no one said anything about me or boys annoying me which is a bad sign cause they will beat me badly like before you know how my life goes better than me!

I was walking to find a place to eat cause you know I don't eat at the cafeteria. As I was walking I saw guys over someone else never thought about them or seen them beat someone else but plus the guy was the new kid cause I had the first period with him, poor kid he looks so scared. I know a normal person wouldn't do this or anything but who said I'm normal? yeah if I stand up for him I might cross that off I will get beaten way harder than I usually do but at least I will save someone's life. 

With that thought, I walked up to them

Me: Stop hurting him!

with my stupid voice, they stopped, all look at me weirdly cause for sure they didn't expect this too so I helped Troy up and said

Me: Stop you guys already beat me up now why him?

Niall: And Why do you care who we beat up?

Me: Cause he's new and we should be friendly, not mean 

and with that, I took troy outside with me ...


A/N hey guys head up might update again today since I have nothing to do !!!

2nd heads up I'm doing a Luke Hemmings fanfiction so stay tuned for that guys

The reader of the Chapter:


never seen your username till now so guessing your new :) have fun hope you enjoy the book  and thank you ♡♥♡♥

Quote of the Chapter: " Today might not be the brightest,  but keep in mind it's not the darkest"  -Me -  at least never seen it yet.

The question of the Chapter: What should my luke book called and give me some ideas about what it should be about.?

Ily thanks for reading if you comment more chance I would put your name in the chapter soo Comment Comment and Comment !!!!

-Jadexxxx stay beautiful

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