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This book is complete now!! the point of this book is finally fulfilled. Now that Niall and Ezgi are friends the bullying completely stopped. We figure out Harry's biggest secret his love for Louis!!!!

I will be making a sequel to this story to now challenge this characters to face problems together now that the boys being against Ezgi. I went over all the chapter and I tried my best to clean up mistakes without changing the story at all. 

I just want to thank everybody for reading this book, for voting and most of commenting and asking for updates, your ideas, etc. As you can see my writing improves a lot throughout this book and it makes me happy to see my progress but I hope it doesn't annoy some of you.For now, I have other stories all about Niall but I will be making more about the rest of the boys. Thank you to everybody that came on this journey it really really means a lot and I promise to post the sequel as soon as possible. At this moment I do not have the name.. I'm in the planning part of it. With this book, I just went with the flow and I felt but for the second book I want it to be more professional and planned so I will post the first chapter here for you guys to read and pick for yourself if you want to continue the journey. 

Again thank you so much for all the support. It took me 4-5 years to finish this book which is funny but I loved every bit of this book. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Lots of love 

See you guys soon with more drama and love!!!!

My bullies author,


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