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*Niall's POV*

I and boys took Ezgi to her house while she was sleeping from crying too much. She looked so beautiful and I could kiss her right then and there but now is not the time. We called her parents on the way her mom and dad are waiting for her at home .....

*Harry's POV*

The moment I saw Niall crying with Ezgi is the moment I saw how much he cared for her, all of us do but him its way different from us way-way different. He loved her so much that he would die for her I saw that tonight really clearly, she makes him happy and soon she will look at him the same way he does to her.

We dropped Ezgi home obviously Niall didn't wanna leave her and wouldn't shut up about her it's cute but annoying doesn't this kid get tired of talking I really don't wanna fall in love sometimes cause its hard so hard way too hard and what if the person you love doesn't love you back and yeah that's  right that  is something I really don't want to feel the pain of it.

Finally, after hours of Niall talking he fell asleep, damn we didn't know he could talk this much this long.

" I didn't know Niall was a talker, " Louis said like we already didn't know 

" He's in love let him let it out, boys!" Zayn said obviously like we didn't know, what's with stating things we know. 

" Yeah let him feel how love is it's his first love," Liam said ok it's annoying now 

" Seems like you all felt that feeling before?"  I asked cause I havent I wonder how it feels to be in love with someone 

" We all have Mr.Styles,"  Zayn said 

" I haven't. I wanna be in love, " I said back like they didn't know 

" Don't you dare lie lad,  yes you have you dated lots of girls more than us I bet you loved one of them?" Liam said 

" I actually haven't I heard they liked me so I asked them out so they could be happy, " I said 

They all gave me that look "yeah right" ugh

" Whatever its late let's all sleep, " I said again

While they fell a sleep I dreamed of how it feels to be in loved .....


Sorry short chapter please follow vote and comment for more chapters

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