Seven *Contains Self Harm!! Don't read if triggered*

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*Ezgi's P.O.V*

I woke up to a white room, was I in a hospital room? Where was I? How did I come here? What happened? Who brought me here? Lots and lots of questions, can't I just have a normal school day? 

I tried sitting up but my head hurt lots. Every part of my body hurt then I remembered  I was beaten to death and I was in my room! How did  I get here? I was going to call for someone but probably they left for work or some shit like that I stood up trying to walk when my rib hurt like hell and I fell to the ground.

I heard running not only one but more than one how many people are here? wait what if its a rapist that got in my house? Oh god please please help me !! I tried standing just in case if it's a rapist, it could do something but failed miserably so basically what I'm saying is I'm ready for my death.

Then walked in Carter, Niall, Harry, Louis, rapestLiam and Zayn what the fuck are these people doing here? Why are they here? Why did my parents left me with some creepy people and the by the look of Carter rapists assholes turned him into them too now I'm in deep crap?

I tried backing up but nope it did not work. I even tried to say something didn't work I'm suprised they didn't kill me when I was sleeping note: Why the fuck does the people my parents know there son turnes to hate me what the fuck did I do that made them hate me like Carter wtf did I do to you? you wanted to help me and they came closer and closer to me closing my eyes for death to come and yep here starts the beating with Carter extra hard. I didn't know what to do I felt like I lost my voice I lost faith in my life who ever meets me wants to beat me, hates me , tries to kill me if thats what they want soon they are going to get what they want cause now I do wanna die disappear, to  never come back I hate london. I this place this place is fucking torture. My family never sees my arms or anything all they do is work 24/7 and let these people beat the crap outta me see how much they care about me? 

After the beating after the tears that fell from my eyes getting my bones broken I lost every hope I had or life, they left me like always waiting for my death this had to happen fast and easy for everyone. I did my best to stand and walk to my washroom with the fastest I can  do took me 10 mins to go to a place that should take only 3 seconds thats how broken I was  thats how sad I was thats how fucked up I was I finally reached the washroom taking my medicine more than I should proably 10+ I took my razor and drank the medicine and with my razor  started my death with deep long cuts the more the faster I'm sure it was more than 5 and I was feeling no energy anymore  was feeling no more pain I was leaving this pain this horrible life  was going somewhere everyone wants me to I was leaving everyting behind I had no future any life. Better than staying in this horrible life closing my eyes slowly taking a last look in my room where the beating bloods were, I was leaving the blood behind I was more than happy and finally closing my eyes saying my bye to people in my head saying bye to world and hi to heaven hi to the god where I hope at least once I can feel happiness .


A/N Short but depressing ! its not end of the book yet let me know what you think and I'll be thinking about the feedback ahah !! Like/Vote Comment and Follow me !!! I love youu 

-Jade xxx

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