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After meeting with Anika I sat right beside her, not leaving her, might be annoying but I actually had a connection with her, right after I get her attention from Liam, I hate him at the moment, we talked about everything, life, favourite colour, animals, we have so many things in common I just can't take my eyes off of her beautiful eyes. I hope she finds me somewhat hot I wanna get to know her more and maybe if she feels the same way date her and maybe even marry her, okay okay that went kinda too far, okay that went too far, but I can't help it.
" Is there something in my face? You keep staring at it" Anika said
" Oh no, no your eyes are just beautiful I can't take my eyes off of it"
Then she blushed so hard that made me smile so big.


Little by little I'm getting used to these boys, I was in a conversation with Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn these guys are actually pretty funny.

I started to drift away from the conversation, and I started to stare at Anika and Harry and how they talked to each other as much as I hate these boys or used to I ship Anika and Harry, they talk like their old friends or even lovers if that didn't go too far.
"Hey, are you staring at them?" Niall said.
"Wait what?"
" Anika and Harry, they look cute don't they"
" They do I ship them, Niall"
" Me too, I ship someone else too"
" Who?"
" Can't say"
Wonder who else he ships? Him and his crush? A girl with the other boys? This gave me a weird feeling, I didn't like the thought of Niall liking someone else for some reason, I can't like him can I? No, he bullied me, no get your shit together Ezgi.

I stood up to go them some chips and all.

While I was making the chips and some food cause Anika and boys are probably hungry.

I heard footsteps and it was Niall
"Hey I need to tell you something"
" Yeah go ahead listening"
" Please don't hate me"
"I don't think I can't hate you anymore just tell me"
" I like someone and I need your help"
Oh that stinks
" Yeah who is?"
" Not gonna say the name for now, but I've known her for so long and haven't been a nice person, and honestly it's not a crush that I can move on I think I could love her"
" All I say is tell her" don't
" What if she hate me"
" If you honestly love her, you will show her after a while and she will love you back if it's meant to be, plus who is it?"
" Um. its. "
"Me? Are you kidding? That's not true"
" It is"
" No Niall, you're losing your mind stop"
" Ezgi, I've loved you the moment I saw you"


Hey! Lol hope you like it I guess ... :)

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