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*Ezgi's P.O.V*

It's Monday, we all know where this topic is going....Hell. My grades have been lowering cause of everything that has been happening with my personal life...honestly am done with everything just can't wait till this school year ends.

Lists to do till the end of school year/Forever:

-IGNORE Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn

- Finish all the piled work you have 

- Do nothing with your life 

- Ignore anybody in general 

As always I wake up early get my shit together, I'm not ready for it but do I have a choice? course not! 

My parents are  coming tomorrow, so I have to deal with them as well... my life is just amazing *sarcasm*  

Whatever I'm out the door by 8:15 cause our school starts at 8:50 so I can take my time till I arrive in hell. 

Finally am at hell, everybody is just in their own groups talking so no one notices me which I'm grateful for. I walk to my locker to get my shit for  English ..... and guess who I bump into? Liam Payne.... For god's sake can I go a day without seeing them? Course not cause at least in one of my classes they are there f***ing a*****es.

Like the list, I made I just walk away ignoring his ass, not that he was gonna say something he hates me just as much as I hate him.

If you are wondering about what Niall said 2 days ago like I thought it was a joke cause he didn't try anything after I turned his ass down so it was a joke.

Whatever why am I even thinking about that..... 

So I arrived at English and I know no one, I don't have any friends in any of my classes so I sit at the back of the class. 

My any class routine:

 - Sit at the back of the class

-  Listen to whatever the teacher says 

- Do whatever the teacher says 

- Don't speak a word 

- End of the class be the first one to be out cause you hate all of them to your death. 

Finally, the hell ends I'm on my way to my sweet home with billions of crappy homework I have to finish by tomorrow.

Just as I'm walking home a sports car stop and goes on my speed, I turn around to see who's car it is...Yep its on of the a******s car , a******s as in not the Harry's friends group its another a*****e my school is full of them and if I get rid of one of them the other one starts bullshiting  so no matter what I have to deal with a******s.

"Hey Smart ass whats up?" 

"Go away"

"Oh why? Lets play a little" 

" F*** Off"

" Don't make us make you have fun" 

"I said F*** off " 

and just as I said that they got out of the car and I started running for my life .........


I'm dearly sorry it sucks, I tried my best and since I  haven't updated in so long...... 

Yeah Hi and Bye I guess :) 

Love you lotsssss xxxxxx 

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