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Great news the guys didn't touch me nor came near me, it's a good thing now but might  be bad when they come over.

Lets see the reasons why they wouldn't hit me now.

-There coming over after school

- There busy looking after there gf's

- There busy sucking there gf's faces or parts......

- They have a big plan that will be way worse than normaly

All I could think of I'm sure its either 3 or 4 most likely both sucking people while making plans.....

You know if you think about my life it is not so bad why am I so positive? I have a family that could do something I just don't tell them ! Nobody really cares about me, when the boys beat me up the random people yeah they might not stand up for me but eh better than getting beating up by everybody. But the boys tell them not to touch me like parents or brothers that beat you up ....

Okay WTF? I just noticed they dont let any guys or girls expect there gf's come near me but they beat the crap outta me till I cant move............. I TOLD YOU THESE GUYS ARE FUCKING WEIRD! not really .... I seem to just day dream and be late to my class which what just happened oooppsss

I ran to my class obviously being late...

Teacher: Why are you late?

Me: um..... I.....

Teacher: Detention! sit down Ezgi

Such a wanna bee teacher I hate her the most like this is Math first period Math ! ? Why shes like the guys yeah this aint any movie where the rich people get to be treated like princesses or like a prince ugh hope fully I'll get through this class soon wait wait did I tell you I had Harry and Niall in this class nope dont think so sorry slipped outta my mind ..


A/N Hello you beautiful humans :) here is a update for you people thank you for being the best people ever I love every single one of you <3 ahhah feedback welcomed let me know how I can make it better sorry for grammer stuff Im not so good at grammer :)) Vote Follow and Comment

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