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*Louis's P.O.V*

I'm sure all the boys are thinking the same but I actually do regret hurting her but the only reason I started was because I liked her a lot but she was too cool for me I wasn't known as the "cutest guy" in my grade there were better guys than me and I hated the thought of someone else touching, her kissing, her hugging her or even calling her "his" I hated the thought even though I knew out of all of us Niall loved her a lot I mean  a lot once a guy tried to hurt her he beat the crap out of him for it but the thought of her with Niall or someone else I didn't like it even though if someone deserved her from this group it would be Niall I'm sure he's regretting about what happen and its killing him inside! I know my reason probably is the retarded thing to bully someone about but I didn't like it I wanted her for me and ONLY me even though I knew that it will never happen so I gave up I'm losing my crush for her daily but I still love her like a sister this is probably the stupidest thing to say but its what it is seeing her parents and our parents like this is heart breaking to see I was part of the reason why this happen.

*Harry's P.O.V*

It broke my heart to see her like this, see her hurt and broken. I never knew we did hurt her this much she never showed us how painful it was I'm really sorry for her parents to see there only child like this but I can't do anything now and to think that I was the reason and to think that I only bullied her for fame and popularity made me hate myself more but I did get what I wanted the "good looking bad ass" I don't know what I was thinking but I wasn't the good looking person I wanted to be I guess I was just an idiot to hurt a girl to get this popularity  I do remember parts before I bullied her she use to help me with girl problems I actually got my first girlfriend thanks to her but then me being the retard idiot I am started bullying her for popularity and look what  happened. I am the cause of someone on their death bed if I was feeling like this wonder how much harder it is for them not only that shes their only child, they cared about her more the only thing I could is to wish she becomes okay and still lives.

*Liam's P.O.V* 

I am an horibble person I was not like this. I'm not a moster that ends peoples lives I use to be so carefree, nice, welcoming, not judging I still am I seriously have no reason to hurt her she did nothing bad to me since I had older sisters I felt like she was my baby sister. I'm actually feeling how a brother feels if their actual sister is at this stage. I could not be the reason she gets hurt I'm suppose to help her as a brother help her with guy problems beat guys up for breaking her heart but its the oppsite I was the one hurting her breaking her heart I was the one looking like a jerk I don't care what the guys reasons are but I don't, I don't know what got in me how I did this I become this monster but I'm truly sorry I'm hoping she's okay not so much damage not so much pain so I could show her that I'm here for her if she needs help or if she needs a brother-sister time.


A/N hmmm different but interesting. Like Vote Comment feedback they truly do help me a lot and  Follow meee 


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