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As everybody was eating their Nandos, I took a quick look towards Niall and Ezgi; they seemed to be getting along so well. Truly could be the cutest couple in the whole town. The way Niall looks at her is so cute, I have never seen any boy look at a girl the way. They are talking about something that I can not hear but they both seem so happy which makes me happy as their friend. I knew from the beginning Niall always had a thing for her, because when ever we were to beat her up he made sure that she still made it home at the end of the day. I know it was stupid for what we did, but you cannot go to the past and change it so we have to look towards the future and make it up to her. It seems like she already forgave us but you never know she could be acting that way so we wont bring it up anymore too. 


I went to Louis' house nobody, I keep calling the boys and no one is picking me up. I was grounded for a while and now that I am finish nobody seems to answer my phone. which is so annoying. I check Nialls house they're not there either.  Lastly Liams and like I though they are not there either. Honestly I'm getting mad nobody is picking up. I remember the Nandos me and the boys used to go to check on Ezgi where she goes and what she does so we can catch her, which now sounds dumb and very stupid to do, why would we do such a thing for such a sweet girl I really don't know. 

I walk into the Nandos to find the all three of the boys sitting with Ezgi and another girl that I do not know from the back of her head sitting with them. Since when did Ezgi forgave us well them in this case to sit and eat with them. I feel left out. This is why none of them pick up the phone because they were too busy having fun without me. Niall and Ezgi seem very close, looks like they fixed the problem they had between them. That girl is getting way too close to Louis which is also pissing me off. Ever since we became friends Louis never had a girlfriend which I liked because I always lowkey had a crush on him. Seeing this girl this close to my Louis, well not my Louis but the boy that I love that I have loved for so many years, is getting on my nerves and I do not like it, I have to leave before I make a huge scene and everybody figures out my biggest secret that is in front of me. 

I start to walk away when I hear Liams voice scream my name from across the restaurant. 

"Harry OMG!!"

I am forced to turn around and say hi, so I do, I make the fakest smile I have and walk towards them.

"Oh my Harry is not grounded anymore" Louis says like he is my mom, he isnt but he puts a smile on my face. I say hi to everybody get a seat right beside Louis and glare at the girl that is beside him. She is pretty, but does not deserve my beautiful Louis. Ezgi says hi to which shocks me, I didn't know she would get over what we did to her so easily, but seems like she did it which is a good thing at the end I guess.Lastly the girl that sits beside Ezgi says hi, just hi and I can see from her looks that she doesn't enjoy that I am getting Louis attention. 

"Hi, I'm Harry" (Louis love) my mind adds but that doesn't get to be heard from everybody, I say to the girl and glare.

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