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I and the boys went to the Nandos that was near Ezgi's house. I, of course, was wishing so hard to see Ezgi, maybe get a smile a hi maybe; I know it won't go further than just a hi but still. Even if it was a hi it probably most likely would not be meant towards me. While I was wishing  the boys were ordering and next was me I ordered my favorite meal and we sat at a table for our foods

Louis: Niall stop wishing her to come I don't think she likes Nandos

Liam: It's always good to have hope

Niall: Chill guys I know it won't happen

Louis: This is the Niall I like

Our foods were called so we went and got them, sat down eating out delicious foods. We were talking about the Fifa 2017 game and other related games to it.

Ezgi's POV

Aylin came over and we were talking about how hungry we were but hated everything my mom had in the kitchen. 

Aylin: Girl lets go to Nandos!

Ezgi: Seriously? Is it good?

Aylin: Yess booo its great

Ezgi: I don't know what to order , I've never been there

Aylin: I know the best food for you just come

I trusted Aylin so we got our coats and just headed to the Nandos near my house, that I didn't realize was even there. We walk in looks pretty cute so far we get in line she's going to order both for me and for her. But then Aylin points out a truth that I didn't want to know.

Aylin: Omg is that Louis, Liam, and Niall?

Ezgi: Yeah it is...

Aylin: They're looking at us

Ezgi: What do we do?

Aylin: Say hi and pass by if they ask us to sit with them we do

Ezgi: Yeah that's a no from me I'm not sitting with my bullies

Aylin: They said they were sorry so move on, new start imagine you don't know them

Ezgi: Not that easy 

Aylin: Try

Niall's POV

Holy bloody crap! Ezgi is here, I cannot believe my eyes. My wishes came true and I'm so happy they did. I'm in shock and Louis takes the hint and smiles at them and they smile back which is odd, but I know that smile is in no way towards me. Seeing this come true I wish she talks to me today.They get their food and walk past us to sit at another table that's free but Louis is smart enough to stop them before they can completely go.

Louis: Hey girls, come sit with us 

Liam: He means if you guys want to no pushing

Aylin: Hahaha sure but there aren't enough chairs 

Niall: I got them

Ezgi: Thank you 

She said THANK YOU to me, oh lord today is my day!!!!

They sit we are talking as in Louis, Liam and Aylin are Ezgi is just listening and eating wow I'm falling in love more she loves food as much as I do. I'm staring and I don't care

Ezgi: Is there something on my face?

Niall: Uhhhh..... no no there isn't

Ezgi: Then why are you staring at me?

Niall: Um.... 

Ezgi: Haha you are blushing!

Niall: Sorry if it bothered you

Ezgi: It's fine unless you were thinking of ways to kill me

Niall: What???? no of course not

Ezgi: Hard to believe cause of our past tbh

Niall: I'm sorry I really am I don't know what I can do to make you forgive myself

Ezgi: Already forgiven don't worry

Niall: Really?

Ezgi: Yeah but there is something we need to change

Niall: What is it?

Ezgi: Our first time meeting was not goals at all, you know and when I look at you or think all those thoughts come back, so let's change it today... This is our meeting first time 

Niall: Okay let's do it

Ezgi: Hi, I'm Ezgi

Niall: Hi, I'm Niall nice to meet you!


New update, cuter and happier than old chapters haha. Time to let Niall and Ezgi develop their love so let's see what happens in the next chapter!!!

Don't forget to vote to tell me you enjoyed this chapter, comment to let me know how much you like this chapter/book and where you Nezgi to go so I can plot that relationship loves and of course if you are new follow me! I got 3 other Niall Horan fanfics check them out as well!!!

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