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I couldn't stand it anymore! I'm done, done of waiting, done of all the pain I caused her, done for waiting for her to love me .. I'm done! I hate seeing her with that Troy kid knowing he makes her happy and all I do is cause pain! I'm tired I want her to love I know it is going to take the time it's going to be hard but I will give everything in my hands to do it get her to love me! but this time not with force not with pain with time with love with caring! yes I know all the things I did I could have stopped but the popularity got into my head ! I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I can't stand seeing her in pain, seeing her with other guys, do you know how many guys I beat up and got beaten up for her? No cause that's a secret no one knows I told my mom it's cause a jerk wanted to fight! All the blood I made people lose all the blood I lose for her ... I LOVE YOU EZGI !!

I was walking down the street going to Ezgi's house to talk to her to tell her the truth ...


I finally arrived and I had a bad feeling it is probably about how Ezgi was going to react but the closer I got I saw the house door wide open! I don't know why or how but let's see ...

I walked into seeing everything quite I don't think anyone is home but the doors open .. Ezgi should be home.... I kept walking and walking till I went in the living room food everywhere TV open ... I do not have good feelings for this so I called Ezgis number it kept calling and calling and the noise came from upstairs ... What's going on? ..........


Update sorry been long some of u wanted me to update really badly so here !! Sorry, it's short!! Hope you enjoy let's hope Niall can find her !! Ily bai


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