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It's morning again, another day of torture! I got my self out of my bed walk to my bathroom take a great hot shower! when I got out I walked into my walk in closet and picked my outfit for the day. Red jeans, long sleeved sweater and my white converse ! I did my make up, a little bit of foundation to cover up my scars I got from my bullies some eyeliner and mascara and I am ready to go.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen "What would you like hun?" my mom asked "hm.. I am not hungry mom" I said I have not eaten in days since the last time my bullies family came to my house which was 3 or 4 days ago " Ezgi you have to eat you can't go hungry" my mom said "mom I can do it!" I said as I walked out of kitchen I checked the time 7:30 I have 10 mins left then I will leave " okay okay do whatever you like but be ready Styles,Horan,Payne,Tomlinson and Maliks are coming today" my mom said WOW great mom! thanks for trying to kill your daughter by inviting all of them, just thanks !!.

I just left the house, I can't stand my mom she always calls them over and I can't go anywhere which mean I stay in my room doing homework or something. While I was thinking about a lie to tell my mom that I can't stay at the living room. I was at school already checked my watch that said 7:40 I walked in the school and some people were already at school and were talking! I walked to my locker, took my books out for the first class and walked to my first period.

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