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*Ezgi's POV*

Been a few months since school started......  It's ALMOST SUMMER !!!!!! yet I still have hell over the summer. Why may you ask?  Summer School love to get my grades up .... jk hell no I want to run away. I'm walking to school this morning too cause I'm a broke ass b***h, really meant that I need a job ASAP!!!!! enough about walking to school cause it's too much I still to this day think about the guys that chased me in a car .. you know how much cardio that is for my daily routine?  whatever thanks to Liam Mr.MuscleHead for saving my sorry ass (STILL HATE HIM). Guess what? I made friends!!!!! not just regular people from my school but internationals that will go back to their country after a year or so... They are so COOL!!!!! I can't wait to move to Japan and have a dance career with one of my smart ass friends! Imagine that I dance? Yes, I may seem like a lazy ass which I am... I love dancing been dancing since birth bro! also love talking to myself while walking to school cause I'm a lonely ass b***h. Sorry saying a lot of sorry, yes and I also am saying sorry to myself like people are listening to me I HAVE A GREAT LIFE (Sarcasm). 


Again English first... use to hate this class but yo it's such a chill class the students the teacher like a class makes me happy?? I changed a lot. 

Aylin: Good morning 

Me: Hellooooo

Aylin: Did you do the homework?

Me: Hahaha no?

Aylin: Me neither 

Art: Holla Aylin, Merhaba Ezgi

Aylin: Holla

Me: Merhaba 

And we kept talking and talking more friends coming on to the chat  

At the end of the class, me and my close friend (Farzana) leave we separate our ways towards our classes she has computer something, I have Guitar which is fun but eh we play guitar to learn more techniques.


Damn today was a very hard day so much homework and ugh I just wanna cry. Niall was in my last class aka science and he was gone for a few days or weeks I really didn't care how long I just knew his spot has been empty.  Today he finally showed up.... he had bruised face!!!! Poor thing I loved his soft looking skin........... OKAY, WHAT?? take a few steps back! take a lot of steps back I just did not say that no no no!!!! His niceness has not gotten to me he's still an ass I hate him just as much as I have Harry speaking of harry haven't seen him in a very long time! I need to stop I hate them why do I think about them still? very glad they stopped bullying me but still!!!!! I think I need to go home and take a nap!! like usual I run from that tragic story at the beginning of the school year!


Finally home, I throw my backpack on the ground throw my shoes wherever they wanna go. I walk straight  into the kitchen and stuff my face with whatever I can find cause I'm a fat ass, I'm after all those calories I go up to my bed and sleep till god knows when :)))............................................


I know I have not updated in a very long time... sorry is not going to make it up but excuse my assholeness (is that how you spell that I'm Turkish my English sucks dont judge) here is an update for you that were waiting for it.... its not long buti could be studying atm but Im updating so be happy :) no promo but if you wanna keep up with my life just sub to my YouTube (turkbeauty) only public account that i updated a lot!!! Ill try to get back to writing but now gotta go make a thumbnail for my new video and edit another video ... so love you lots bbys good luck in life :) :* :* 

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