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This world was quite a simple place- money was in control of everything

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This world was quite a simple place- money was in control of everything. It was honestly pretty pathetic- humans were so easily swayed by the idea of receiving more money or finding a better source of providing money, often thinking that they were less than others who had more money than them. In this world where the amount of money you get defines you, ironically, your wealth was decided by none other than a flip of a coin.

My father had been given the lucky side. His parents had supplied him with so much income that he would never run out. They treasured him like no other and insisted he should take fifty percent of their earnings- a very generous amount considering his parents were in high-paying positions for the Yashiro Commission.

This system in which the world went by was cruel and unfair, so I set myself to do as much as I could to provide for the poor that resided on Narukami Island. My father, of course, would never oblige to the fact I was giving strangers our money- so I acted like I was taking his money to go out shopping.

Today I was going to visit Konda Village to deliver some food to the elderly. I undressed and got into more proper clothing, a plain rose-colored kimono with the pattern of lilies delicately embroidered into the fabric. I tied the sash into a neat bow and exited my room.

"Awake already, Miss Shimoda?" the housecleaner, Lilli, was sweeping the halls.

I nodded and gave her a smile. "Yes, I have some errands I would like to run. Would you like some help, Lilli?"

Lilli had been our housekeeper since I was a child and we were quite close. I often helped her around the house if I ever had the time. Being a housekeeper was hard work, especially since my father's land plot was quite large. Lilli was in charge of directing all of the workers who were out on the several acres of land my father had bought for farming purposes.

"I'm alright, thank you," she gave me a smile, "I always appreciate your help but if you have errands to run then you should prioritize those."

"Thank you, Lilli," I gave her a soft smile, "take care! I'll be back in a few hours if Father inquires."

I headed out of the house and went over to where the farmers were working.

"Ah, it's Lady Shimoda!" one of them called and gave me a wave.

I returned the gesture with a small dip of my head.

I entered the barn where the food was stashed. "What can I take today, Hajime?"

The old man turned to me with a grouchy look on his face. "Out giving food, are ye'? Take whatever yer obliged to."

I thanked him and grabbed some of the imported goods. They had requested Jueyen Chili, carrots, radishes, paprika, milk, and lavender melon. Fortunately, they were in high stock today.

After I had put them all in a crate, I set out towards Konda Village. It was a two-mile walk- not especially far or especially close. Our estate was located south of the Kamisato Estate, close to Chunju Forest.

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