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*this takes place in a different world in which thoma isn't 💀😍 i rearranged the book so all the specials are at the end

I peeked around the office door and frowned, seeing Ayato yet again drowning himself in work- it was almost like he enjoyed it, or perhaps it was just a habit of his now.

    "Ayato~" I called out to him but he didn't respond.

    I was wearing the dress that he had commissioned to be made for me but it didn't really look like he cared all too much. A twinge of disappointment lit up in my chest, but I knew that it was useless to try to distract him while he was working.

    Maybe I would just take over Thoma's responsibilities for him and wait until he noticed...

    I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me, walking over to Thoma who was dusting some shelves on the other side of the hall. He turned around when he heard me approaching and immediately the tips of his ears turned red.

    "Miss (Y/n), you look stunning," he gasped, "the master must have been captivated by your beauty!"

    "No need to flatter me," I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "I must look like an idiot, all dressed up for a man who won't even look up from his work."

    "Master ignored you?" Thoma's look shifted into one of sympathy. "Unfortunately, that's just what happens when he gets super focused- it's nothing personal. You should visit him later."

    "That's easier said than done," I grumbled. "This dress is quite uncomfortable- I must have clicked the back on wrong. Do you think that you could get it for me?"

    "Sure," Thoma nodded, "turn around and I'll fix it right up for you."

I nodded and did as he said, moving my hair to the side so he could unclip it. Just as he reached out to unclip it, the door to Ayato's office opened and the man himself stepped out.

He stared at us wordlessly for a few moments and then walked over to us rather slowly. Thoma immediately stopped what he was doing and backed away from me, practically to the other side of the hall. I shot him a glare and he simply just shook his head.

    "Why are you performing such obscene acts in front of my office?" Ayato asked me, a smile on his face. Somehow, I had never been more scared in my life of this man- I could tell he was very upset. "I see you're wearing the dress I commissioned for you, how nice of you. Why didn't you let me know?"

    "I did let you know, I went into your office and you didn't even look up even when I called out to you. We weren't doing anything, the strap on the back of my dress is put on wrong so Thoma was simply helping me out," I replied.

    "Come," Ayato grabbed my wrist and dragged me into his office slamming the door behind him. I caught an apologetic glance from Thoma as I was dragged through the door.

"Well do you like it?" I asked. "I think it looks quite nice myself."   

Ayato suddenly pinned me up against the wall, slamming his right hand over my shoulder. He brought his other hand up to grip my chin tightly, the fabric of his glove brushing softly against my lower lip.

"You aren't supposed to be fooling around with other men when you're already with someone, m'lady."   

"That is true, but we weren't exactly fooling around," I raised an eyebrow at him, "that's very presumptuous of you. In fact, it must display how little trust you have in me if you think I would go frolicking with other men so quickly."   

Ayato sighed. "I tend to be quite possessive... it's not that I don't trust you."

I chuckled. That wasn't what I was expecting him to say at all- what an interesting man, it was almost as if he wasn't as conniving as his true nature.   

"So, you're feeling uncomfortable in the dress?" Ayato's smirk returned to his face. "Why don't I take it off for you in his place?"   

"Woah!" I blushed, immediately shoving him off. "Don't you have work to be doing?"    I stared at the dress. It's not like it was particularly revealing so I didn't understand why he was getting so worked up over it... it covered the chest and didn't expose any of the upper thigh at all.    "Don't tell me you're someone who gets excited from seeing my shoulders," I probed, "are you?"

"I indeed am," Ayato nodded, "so when I saw you in the hallway, I knew that I probably would be unable to resist."   

"Geez, you really are just a massive pervert," I flicked his nose. "You should focus on your work. If we get started now it normally takes you a few hours and I don't really know if I could deal with that right now."   

Ayato frowned. "Can I come to your room later tonight, then?"   


. . .

"When it comes to pets... Mm, yes, I'm definitely more of a dog person myself. Cats are very independent, which has its merits, but you'll only find obedience in dogs. They'll do whatever you tell them to. Hehe, what can I say — I suppose I find loyalty to be quite an attractive quality." - Ayato's official voice line I swear Hoyoverse knows what they're doing.

Also- this is not tied to the current story! It's more of a one-shot chapter, persay.

Anyways, thank you all for 10k reads! I'm so in awe of how fast this book has grown, to be honest, I wasn't even expecting it to gather more than 5k, but I'm grateful for all the support. Reading you guys' comments makes me smile every time, you all are so sweet :)

Much love,

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