三十六 - 36

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"Seeing as nothing you say has any evidence aligned with it, what is the point that you can provide to make us believe you?" Ayato's voice was seemingly cold, but I could feel a bit of hurt creeping into his tone

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"Seeing as nothing you say has any evidence aligned with it, what is the point that you can provide to make us believe you?" Ayato's voice was seemingly cold, but I could feel a bit of hurt creeping into his tone. Thoma was among the very few people he put trust in, so he would try to find any conclusion for it to make sense.

"Yeah, I can see why you would say that," Heizou scratched the back of his head with a small laugh, "but even I wouldn't say something so baseless without proof, so I did some background research on your housemaid. I'm guessing that you know some of this base content as well."
Now that I thought about it, I really didn't know Thoma all that well. Even after all the times, we had talked to each other I didn't know anything about his past. 

"Thoma originally hailed from Mondstadt and came here to follow his father. The reason was apparently that he was worried his father wouldn't like the wine in Inazuma and brought some dandelion wine for him. His boat was struck down yet he managed to float to shore. Miraculous, right? Anyways, Thoma has never found his father or his whereabouts but is no longer eager and searching for him, for he found a greater purpose."

Ayato's gaze wavered a little, as if afraid of what Heizou was going to say next.

When he spotted this, Heizou's gaze softened a little. "If Thoma was approached by someone who was part of his family after all of this time, what do you think he would do? Prioritize his guard dog duty for Kamisato Ayaka or abandon his post and comply with that family member's orders?"

I thought for a moment and then came up with my answer. "He would do both, probably unable to choose between the two."

"That's right," Heizou smiled at me, "you're a quick one, huh? Not as quick as me, of course, but–"

"There's no way Thoma would've run into his father," Ayato interjected. "He searched for him for quite a long period of time without finding any of his whereabouts, the chances of him just randomly appearing are so low that it sounds like you're just reaching for strings that don't exist."

Heizou shrugged his shoulders. "You're right, yet you're also wrong. I think that you're underestimating the intelligence of your little worker here. He's astute, from testimonies of women and men alike he's attractive, and his personality is sweet and caring. He is a man without any prominent flaws, the perfect husband."

"That's definitely true," I nodded, remembering the way that Thoma had gently held me and caressed me to try to comfort the emotions raging in my stomach. "He's very empathetic."

"Mr. Ayato, is there anyone else that would've had access to Ayaka's room besides Thoma?" Heizou ignored me and instead faced the Yashiro commissioner. "If there is, then I will reconsider my thinking entirely. If you cannot convince me otherwise, then I will further investigate Thoma and keep him under heavy supervision."

Ayato went silent, opening his mouth and then closing it again. After a few moments, he shook his head. "How do you know that they didn't break into Ayaka's room using the windows? There's nothing left of the building anymore–"

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