三十二 - 32 (REPUBLISHED)

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Hey guys! I just noticed that this chapter was taken down by the account thing that happened so I'm just reuploading it

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Hey guys! I just noticed that this chapter was taken down by the account thing that happened so I'm just reuploading it. Thank you! <333

 I walked alongside Thoma, humming softly as we strolled. Our shoulders occasionally brushed against each other's, however I chose to just ignore the scarlet burning on his ears. For some reason, he could remember me, and that was enough to make me feel reassured whenever I was alongside him.

"I heard that he went to see you today," Thoma spoke up, interrupting my tune, "when he came back he seemed really distraught. Did something happen?"

I tilted my head to the side and gave him a smile. "Not really. He started to remember some things, so he might've been a bit disheartened to find out that he was wrong about something."

Thoma didn't say anything more. He most likely wasn't believing a word that I was saying and I couldn't fault him for it. It wasn't like I was going to tell him about everything now, though. It was far too late.

"Damn," I groaned, "can we take a break? My legs hurt."
Thoma murmured a meek 'alright' and we took a seat on a large boulder that was beside us. I stretched my arms out to the side, feeling my back give a relieving crack when I tucked them back to my sides. Exhaustion began to pour on me while under the vibrant sunlight and my eyes started to flutter shut. My head found its way onto Thoma's arm and I smiled gently, basking in the warmth of the sunlight and more importantly, his warmth.

"Thoma," I whispered, "do you think back then, when Mr. Kamisato could remember me- do you think he was in love with me?"

I needed to know his thoughts, or perhaps I was just searching for validation.

Thoma replied with a simple, "I think so."

It was what I wanted to hear, but somehow it made the hollow feeling in my chest even worse. I didn't press it any further, for I remembered what Thoma had said to me the last time I spoke to him before the procedure had been performed, and it must be painful for me to bring this up.

'How have you been' and formalities like that would come across as a lazy way to change the subject.

Maybe it was simply that there was nothing to say in between us. Our whole relationship had been built around the Kamisato siblings so now that they were no longer involved, there was nothing. The friendship that I had so greatly treasured ended up to be baseless.

Speaking formalities might be the only way to go.

"So, how have things been coming along?"

Damn– that was an awkward way to start the conversation. If I could have worded it in any other way it wouldn't have sounded that clunky. Thoma seemed to let this fly right by him, brandishing his vibrant smile and turning to stare at me.'

At that moment—

"I've been alright, but things are better now that you're around," Thoma said as if it were fact.

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