十九 - 19

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 "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Ayato asked, guiding me to his room with an arm held out to steady me. "Other plans can be reserved for you if you'd like."

"It's fine," I winced as pain shot through my leg, followed by a dumb numbness. "Ayaka needs the room more than me, so I don't really mind."

Ayaka had been drugged by the Fatui and fallen unconscious. It turned out that after further investigation she had been blackmailed into giving a supplement of the drug to me and Thoma every night. I understood why they would give it to me, but why Thoma? He hadn't taken the drug before nor done anything bothersome of note to them.

"I see you're referring to her without honorifics," he chuckled, "I'm glad to see that she's made some friends."

I had gotten my voice back just in time to leave before Ayaka arrived. It felt like heaven to be able to actually say what I was thinking. Even though Ayato had tried to stay by my side as much as possible, he was heavily occupied with work and now his sister. I would rather he prioritized her than me, so I offered to move out of the bed on my own. What I hadn't expected was Ayato deciding it would be best to bring me to his room instead- I was in for a long night.

When he opened the door I was greeted by a plain yet exquisite bedroom with a gigantic king-sized bed. The carpet on the floor was embedded with the symbol of the Yashiro Commission- it was quite clique to have yet quite in character. 

He guided me to the bed and laid me down under the covers, tucking me in. "You must be tired, you can go to sleep if you'd like."

I glared at him. "I'm not tired after just that walk down the hall. Do you want to stay and chat or do you have to work?"

A smile tugged at his lips as he lay down next to me on the bed, not bringing himself down under the covers beside me. "As expected, you're so adorable. You should give me a medal for my incredible ability to restrain myself."

"Here's a gold medal," I pulled out an imaginary medal and placed it on his chest.

"Wow, thank you very much," he cooed, leaning down and running his fingers through my hair. His long and slender fingers coiled around every strand of hair with care, taking time to make sure he didn't get them caught on any tangles. A comfortable silence befell us, and I found myself closing my eyes.

"Are you okay, Mr. Kamisato?" I murmured, reaching my hand up to hold his. Once Ayato felt my touch he immediately responded, intertwining our fingers together.

"Mm," he nodded. "I'm just worried about her. I had no idea that she felt that way at all... I was so blind. She was ostracized all this time, all by herself, and I did nothing."

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