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 I sat up, wincing as I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder

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 I sat up, wincing as I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I had been sweeping the estate for the rest of the day while Ayato finished the paperwork that finalized his decision to supervise me.

"M'lady, it's time to get up and eat," a smooth voice sounded next to me.

I snapped my head around and found Ayato leaning against the door to my room with a casual smile lazily draped over his lips. He raised an eyebrow after I stared at him for a few seconds.

"You scared me," I muttered, "why are you barging into my room without permission?"

He stopped propping himself against the door and began to walk towards me. "I need to make sure that you don't jump off any more windows, don't I?"

"I wouldn't do that again!" I retorted. "Come on, can you at least leave the room while I'm changing?"

Keeping the blanket firmly pressed against my chest to hide any possible cleavage that could be showing through the nightgown, I pointed at the door. "Please, it will only take a minute."

He seemed slightly irritated but complied with my request nonetheless. Once he stepped out I stood up and headed over to the closet and stared at the vast selection of clothing I had been provided. I decided to pick a plain kimono with a light blue color and navy sash.

After I had finished getting dressed I headed over to the door and placed my hand on the knob, twisting it open.

"I'm done changing, Mr. Kamisato."

Just as expected he was waiting right outside the room.

"You can just call me Ayato, you know," he smiled, "I fear my sister won't be able to tell who you're calling for."

"That's why I put the Mr. in," I replied, "it differentiates you too. I don't call people by their given names unless they don't like to be called by their family ones. I don't think that you feel that way, though."

"You're right about that," Ayato nodded, "now, let's go eat, shall we?"

As he had before he gave me his arm and I took it. I still hadn't gotten the layout of the household down so I was grateful for his assistance in the matter. "Thank you, Mr. Kamisato."

When I opened the door to the dining room I was greeted by a long table with two chairs on either side. A grand breakfast was served on the table with more food than I could eat in a week. Pancakes with sugared fruit, bread, ham, bacon, sweet flower stew, and more delicacies were practically overflowing off of the table.

"You first, m'lady," he gave me a smirk and gestured for me to sit down.

I nodded and sat down in the chair in front of me. Interestingly, he calls me 'm'lady,' especially when that term is commonly used for those who aren't proficient in the English language. I had often read of this in the medieval books that my father prepared. Ayato must have been using it to jest with me. How redundant.

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