エピローグ 一 - EPILOGUE 1

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TW: Discussion of dark and immoral topics

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TW: Discussion of dark and immoral topics. Heavy depictions of violence, manipulation, and suicidal ideations. I wouldn't suggest reading this if any of that even sounds remotely uncomfortable. All of the contents contained in this letter are not accurate and are not meant to be replicated or even attempted by anyone whatsoever. Without further ado, here is the final letter from Hiruko.

 Why hello there.

If you're reading this letter, I assume that I'm deceased, which occured either recently or long, long ago. You may be asking what my moral justification is for all of the things I've done, but if I invert the question and ask you what your moral justification is for accusing me and blaming me for every situation that occured, I bet your answer would be just as, if not more ignorant than mine. Considering that this will be the last thing I ever write, I suppose that it would be best to embellish it as much as possible.

I never believed too much in the saying that 'you live to die' or 'you die to live.' Both of these statements exert cowardice on two seperate levels. Claiming that someone lives purely to die means that they are simply idly waiting for the miracle of death to take their life away or believe that death is the most important moment of life. How idiotic. If the most important moment of life was to die, then suicide wouldn't be shunned open by almost everyone. Some families don't even have funerals for relatives that have committed suicide simply because they chose their own moment to die either out of overdriven ecstacy or pure misery alone.

The reason that my appearance in most people's lives, including the one who's reading this, is in fact because my purpose is to be a minor existence. That's the reason why I prefer to be an elusive appearance in your life, not insinuating or disconfirming any claims that the public creates about me. It's better to let rumors build up and overflow as after that they will reside and never come back for extremely long periods of time. Getting emotionally invested in anyone is too much work, even including your own existence. I think that I would rather spend my time watching people become emotionally invested before devastating their life entirely.

You're probably thinking, 'wow, this guy's a damned psychopath,' or something along those lines. Something that might seem psychotic to you is completely normal to me. Isn't that interesting? Everyone views manslaughter as the brink of insanity yet also clings to a corrupt law system that effectively kills off more innocent lives than any serial killer or mass murderer could. You wanna know why I fucking despise the law system so much? My father got murdered by a man in cold blood right in front of me, yet the killer got away with it.

Want to know what happened to my father? First, he was stabbed through the shin with a katana three times, twice on the left leg and once on the right, immobilizing him. Second, he begged the killer to stop, saying that he had to take care of his son and see his wife again. Not even a moment passed before the killer stabbed him again, this time through the chest around the abdominal area. My father was sobbing now out of pain, screaming as he clutched his stomach in agony. Blood was pouring out his wounds and seeping into the ground. Next, the man took his blade and with one swoop, sliced off the tips of all five of his fingers. I saw the tips of them flying through the air like little pieces of meat, blood splattered over my face. When I stared at him writhing in agony, I could see the tips of bone peeking out from the knobs of his fingers. After that, my father was in such agony that he couldn't even formulate words anymore, just senseless screaming. The man then stabbed through his chest again, again and again, causing him to scream over and over. Finally, after several minutes, my father stopped moving. Practically the whole street was now soaked in his blood, and when I looked up to meet the eyes of the murderer, he was staring back at me, sheathing the katana nonchalantly to his side. But the thing that pissed me off the most, far more than anything else, was that his expression was full of pity.

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