三十四 - 34

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I owe Kamisato Ayato a great debt

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I owe Kamisato Ayato a great debt. We were in completely different worlds (or at least it seemed that way sometimes), but he was always by my side. I viewed him as my lover, back when I thought he was mine. Now I see that all of that was simply just foolish blunderings of a little girl. However, I know that my happiness back then was certainly real. I was happy when I was alongside him, and I smiled when he smiled. When he touched me, I felt elated. When he was angry with me, I felt sad. It was supposed to be our grandeur love story. I believed that in between us, we shared a bond that was very important.

Some people say that the feeling that surpasses love is similar to hate. I agree with that statement. At some point down the line, our feelings morphed into that hatred, a feeling far past love itself.

The story that I'm about to tell now is the tale in which our love rekindled and became something new. Well, that may be a bit of a stretch. This is the story of how we saved each other once more, of the injustice in the social system, and, well, lots more romance than what would normally be considered appropriate considering the situation we were put in. It's also how I managed to somewhat repay my debt to him for saving me back then... I have to say, my writing skills have advanced ever since I wrote that letter to Ayato all those years ago. My handwriting looks cleaner too.(!)

Now that I'm looking back on the situation, I, (Y/n) Shimoda, can affirmatively affirm that I have several regrets from how I handled many things. Reversing time is an impossible endeavor, though... so I guess I will just have to simply live with it. This is a tale that takes place after peace was brought to Inazuma, after all should be sound and serene once more– well, at least in the departments of the corrupted government system. Alas, stretching out this introduction would just take up time for whoever is reading this, so I shall tell the story now. It wouldn't be worth lying about, so this is honestly how everything went. Welcome to the first half, or should I say the second half, of this nuanced tale.

.  .  .

"(Y/n). Wake up," a voice called her awake and she groaned, blinking open her eyes.

She was faced with her normal bleak room and an eerily familiar shrine maiden with pink hair and her signature ears.

"Yae Miko?" I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Why are you here?"

"Not excited to see me?" Yae Miko asked. "Well, I guess that's to be expected, isn't it? There have been several years since our last interaction. A shame we didn't ever catch up. Well, big news ahead."

I raised an eyebrow at her, waiting to see what she would say next.

"Well, things happened, then this, then that, then by the by and on the on, so basically the Kamisato Estate ended up being burned to the ground. Hm, I managed to rhyme while delivering that grand news. Oh wait, was that even a rhyme?"

Yae Miko told me her news looking as nonchalant as ever, acting as if the destruction of the estate was nothing surprising. I was appalled at how detached she appeared and then remembered that was simply just how she worked.

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