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Dear readers,

This is a little gift for eight-thousand reads. Assume that it takes place in an alternate universe where (Y/n) is a god of sorts. Maybe a more yandere twist of Ayato~ This was originally supposed to be for a Venti fanfic, but I scrapped it and changed it while adding some more depth. Due to my concussion, I cannot write pretty much at all. I have no idea how long this will take to go away.


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I wonder which way the wind blows today, do you know? The soft stirring of the blooming sakura petals is what lies beneath the ground. The dew is falling off the leaves like rain. Isn't spring your favorite season? That is what you spoke when I met you so long ago. In a world of cacophony, you stayed at my side and heeded my advice. The way your fingers so gently caress mine brings me such nostalgia that it brings tears to my eyes. I wonder if I told you that I was deeply in love with you, what would you say? If you were to one day see this letter would your heart be filled with bitter denial? I am in the dark in terms of what you desire. As quick as you come it seems you slip away from my fingertips twice as fast. Keeping you close during this calamity is almost impossible, so why do I wish for it? Are people such as myself allowed to be selfish and fester such desires? I question my mortality in terms of my humanity whenever I think of you.

You spoke of how you wore blue because it reminded you most of the wind. That was why you loved it so dearly. The jacket slung gently over your shoulders, swishing behind you at every stride. It was captivating, mesmerizing, and left me in a trance. I remember one time I said that you were beautiful as the morning sun, and you shook your head. What did you mean that this body was not your own? If the body that you inhabit is not your own I cannot understand why you can possess such beauty with it. The long sleek hair that flows over your shoulders isn't you? That has to be a disillusion.

After all, the woman I love can not be fake. There's no way. There's no way that you're not a normal human just like me. We can face this together, right my love? You claimed that what I felt was denial, but that could not be true. Why were your hands stained with blood? You can't be the man I fell in love with. You're not the loyal commissioner who loved his family more than his pride. The crimson blossomed over your blouse like a windwheel asher. I remember you spoke of their serene beauty and surprising prevalence a long time ago.

Now, before I gouge my eyes out so I cannot see your treacherous face again, I must ask my dear, do you love me? No matter how you answer, I know that the outcome will always lead to travesty. But look! Outside, I see it. I see a sakura blossom, bright as day. It blooms in the sun the same way it did so long ago.

Ah, what is this? Why is my chest red? Why are you crying? Why is the knife in my own hands? What is happening? I'm not sure. I coughed as the acidic liquid filled my mouth and spurted onto the cold floor. My vision faded.

'I love you' was the last thing I heard.

However, even at that moment, her words were a lie.

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Note: This does not take place in the true end of the story, but rather in a universe in which the worst possible ending reached these two. Some call it a lover's suicide, but I would say that glorifies it a little bit, haha. Thank you for eighty-thousand reads. I appreciate it so much.

Lately, I've been nervous that the story has been falling off a bit. Please give me any feedback :)

Much love,


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