七 - 7

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Ayato leaped off of the balcony without hesitation, the ground opening up before us

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Ayato leaped off of the balcony without hesitation, the ground opening up before us. I closed my eyes and braced for impact- however it never came.

When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by the clearest and serene water I had seen in my whole life- it was almost as if it had fused with the stars to create an irreplaceable glow.

I subconsciously reached out with my hand and brushed my fingertips lightly against it, shocked when it promptly sliced them open.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ayato snapped, grabbing my fingers and pulling them away from the water.

"It doesn't hurt that much," I lied, giving him a smile in an attempt to reassure him.

"Now you to fib with me," Ayato shook his head, "what are you accomplishing by lying?"
"Yell at me when we get out of here," I lightly punched his arm.

He continued onwards.

The boat that had been prepared for us was very fancy, looking large enough for two but not intimidating. He held my hand as I stepped onto the board, slightly shifting under my weight. I had never ridden on a boat before, so I was terrified and excited as Ayato clambered onto it, causing it to rock again.

"Do you get seasick?" he asked me.

"I have no idea, I've never been on a boat before," I grinned, jumping up and down on the wood planks, causing the boat to continue to shift from side to side.

"Stop that," Ayato grabbed my arm, "what if it sinks?"

"Jumping makes the boat sink?"

"Well- if you jump too hard it does..."

Ayato had a light blush on his face which caused me to laugh.

"You're so cute."'

"Don't say stuff that will turn me on right now," Ayato groaned and dragged a hand down his face, "just go inside and let me focus on getting us started."

I scampered away from him after hearing that. I guess Ayato was the type of guy that had a cool exterior but lacked restraint when it came to these sorts of things. When I climbed down the ladder into our chambers I found myself surrounded by a giant bedroom with tons of food stacked on the counter, along with... a single king-sized bed.

Why is there only one? This reminds me of the romance books I read when I was younger... I sighed. I was honestly too tired to even deal with Ayato's perverse actions and it wasn't helpful that we had to share a bed. It would already be hard enough sharing a room with the male and on top of that...

I checked the bag that had been placed on the bed. There was clothing, brushes, and basic necessities, along with a bottle of pills.

When I picked the bottle up I saw that messily scrawled on the front was- Very important for (Y/n). Don't forget them.

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