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I pressed my lips against his softly, squinting my eyes shut so he wouldn't see the embarrassing look on my face. His lips were soft, far softer than I had thought anyone's lips would be, but they were almost pursed shut when I pulled away. His eyes were wide and his ears were tinted a very bright red.

    "Sorry," I covered my eyes with my hands, "I shouldn't have- mmph!"

    Ayato grabbed the hands covering my eyes and pinned them over my head, crashing his lips with mine. The kiss was so rough that it took my breath away and Ayato took the moment to force his tongue into my mouth without hesitation.

    His knee was firmly stationed in between my legs, brushing against my thighs so gently, just enough to leave me yearning for more. I brought my hands up behind his head and pulled him even closer, letting our tongues intermingle as we deepened the kiss. The pleasure of the feeling of his body on mine was coursing throughout my body and heat was growing between my legs. When Ayato finally broke apart from the kiss, a string of saliva dripped from his lips. He was panting, still holding my arms above my head with a smirk on his face.

    "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

    I nodded weakly, the sensation in my legs growing so strong that I wanted- no needed- something to be done about it.

    "We'll start slow, then," Ayato released one of the hands holding mine and placed it beside my shoulder. He leaned his head down and kissed my neck, gently at first. He dragged his tongue along my skin and brought his lips down to suck on a spot, causing me to wince in pain.   

    "Ahh," I winced, "that hurts,"
    "I'm just leaving a mark on you," Ayato spoke against my skin, his deep voice verberating through my collarbone, "it'll let everyone know what we did."
    "I don't necessarily know if that's a good thing," I managed to grumble, stifling the urge to force him to touch me more, in every spot of my body until I couldn't feel anything anymore. He pulled the fabric of his glove off, letting it fall to the floor beside the bed, then followed it with the next. I stared at his large veiny hands, taut from all of the sword fightings he must do.

    "What? You like them?" he inquired, leaning closer to me. "I didn't realize you were that dirty, Miss Shimoda."

    Ayato untied the sash of my kimono and slid it off of my shoulders, revealing my undershirt and exposed shoulders. Carelessly throwing it to the side on top of his gloves, he stared at my body.

    "Uh... why are you staring?" I blushed. "It's kind of awkward."
    "Sorry, it's hard not to," he laughed slightly, his eyes staring at my chest.

    "You could at least try to be discreet," I snapped, "I didn't realize you were so vulgar."

    "Can I take this off?" he dodged my question and instead toyed with the fabric on my shoulders with his hands. His cold skin brushing mine sent butterflies through my stomach.

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