二十五 - 25

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Ayaka blinked open her eyes, adjusting blearily to the room's faint light

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Ayaka blinked open her eyes, adjusting blearily to the room's faint light. Her first action was to wonder where she was and get out of bed, only for her to be forced back down again by a pair of hands. She stared at her mother, her eyes widening.


"I'm not your mother," the voice cut her out of her delusion, "but it's nice that you're awake."
"Ah," Ayaka's shoulders slumped as she stared blankly ahead once more. That was when she noticed that there was a tube latched onto her arm. She turned around to gaze at what it was connected to, and her eyes widened in horror.

"Miss... Shimoda?"

.  .  .

Ayato sorted through his files. He was having a great day after sleeping beside (Y/n), his body was completely at ease unlike it had been in a long while.

"Master!" Thoma burst into the room, interrupted by a fit of coughs.

Ayato immediately stood up. "What's the matter, Thoma? Why are you up?"

"It's Miss (Y/n)... she's-" he went into another bout of coughing.
Ayato felt dread fill his chest. Did she not even say goodbye? Ayato grabbed the box on his desk and raced to Ayaka's room as quickly as he could, slamming open the door. His sister's horrified gaze met his.

"M-Miss Shimoda, she's not moving."

Ayato's stomach dropped. He felt like he was torn in two, his sister was awake but...

He cautiously stepped around the bed, bracing himself for whatever he would see before him. It was his beloved, the one whom he loved and cherished so deeply, lying on the floor as pale as stone.

"(Y/n)?" Ayato crouched beside her and pressed his hand to her wrist, fighting to hear a heartbeat. There was none. "(Y/n)?!"

The doctor stood there with a placid expression on her face, as if she had seen this coming. Ayato felt his throat become tight as he stared at the motionless girl before him.

"There's no way that's Kamisato Ayato!" hushed whispers went through the store as Ayato stepped in, not going unheard.

"Is he finally settling down?"

"I'm glad, he kinda freaks me out."

"What do you mean? Plenty of girls are going to have their hearts broken over this."

"M-M-Mister Kamisato!" the shop owner stuttered when he walked up to the counter. "What can I do for you today?"

"I'm looking for a ring," Ayato spoke politely, but deep inside he felt a boyish excitement. When he thought of her expression and reaction it made him feel warm inside. "It's for a very special lady."

"W-why of course!" the man at the counter gave him a thumbs up. "Please let me know the price range and style of ring you would like."

"First of all, there's an unlimited price range," Ayato said blatantly, as if that much was obvious; "and second, I'd like something that's simplistic yet incredibly beautiful."

Ayato had thought long and hard about what kind of ring (Y/n) would like and came to the conclusion that the best choice would most likely be a simplistic yet somewhat stylish ring. She didn't seem like someone who loved exuberant qualities in her clothing or jewelry. A smooth and comfortable ring would definitely be the one she would take most pride in.

"For five hundred thousand mora we have this ring," the shop owner pushed forward a small ring crafted using cor lapis. It had small beads of jade inside of it and gave off a very modest feel, yet something about it wasn't quite right... it was far too plain.

"I'm willing to spend more than that," Ayato smirked, "so don't be afraid to show me the most expensive rings, so long as you think they fit."

He gulped. "S-sure, Mister Kamisato; my apologies."

He went to the back of the store and returned with a large glass case. Ayato observed the rings in its contents. Sapphire, ruby, emeralds... There were so many choices. He imagined (Y/n) in his head, trying to figure out which would look the best on her.

"This one is perfect," he pointed to a ring made out of pure gold with hints of all sorts of crystals. It looked like it was smooth to the touch and would fit comfortably on her hand.

"Alright, that will be... erm..." the shop owner lifted the lid of the box and picked up the ring, looking at the box under it to check the price tag. "Approximately three million mora."

"Sold," Ayato grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled down the price. "Take it to the bank and deposit this, it should work. If it doesn't, please visit me or send me a letter."

"T-thank you!" the shopowner's eyes were round as moons, causing Ayato to chuckle.

Such an entertaining expression... he couldn't wait to see what hers would be.

Ayato stared at her body for a moment more before turning around and leaving the room, slamming the door behind him. He stared at the box in his hands and felt his hands trembling. I'm such an idiot. He dropped it to the ground, the ring inside falling out and rolling onto the ground with a clang. 

He had known that her death was coming, but he didn't know that their last time talking would be the last time. Bile rose in his throat and he crouched over, putting his hands in a prayer and resting his forehead on them. Ayato would give up anything and everything to bring her back. Everything.

After he sat there in silence for a few minutes in an attempt to calm down his emotions and reenter the room, he spotted that the door to his bedroom was slightly ajar. He snatched the ring from the ground and shoved it back in the box, racing towards the door. (Y/n)'s body had been in that room, he knew that, yet a part of him hoped that she would still be lying in bed, sleeping in after they had stayed up late talking. The bedroom was empty. Nothing had changed in the room besides a small envelope that was lying on the blankets.

He grabbed it and tore it open, his eyes widening as he read over its contents. Tears filled his eyes and he found himself weeping, holding the letter in his hands as tight as he possibly could as if that would make her come back to him. The letter grew wet with his tears.

Hi guys,

Many updates today, just for you guys mwah <3. One more and then the first part of the story will be over.



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