十四 - 14

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The soft familiar voice of his mother was what woke Ayato up, singing a soft lullaby

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The soft familiar voice of his mother was what woke Ayato up, singing a soft lullaby. Harmonious chords went softly into his ears, making him feel as if he were a boy again.

"My dear boy," his mother smiled sweetly at him, "I wish you eternal rest."

"Ayato!" I screamed, running forwards as fast as I possibly could in order to grab onto his arm. "Wait, please!"

He was about to fall, no- I couldn't make it in time- at least I thought that until a water illusion appeared at his side, holding him back.


I skidded to a halt and stared at the scene before me. Ayato was about to fall off of a cliff, the only thing restraining him from doing so was his own water illusion, which was holding his wrist as his body was dangling over the edge. I came to my senses and raced forward, leaning over and grabbing his other hand.

"Shimoda..." he looked up at me, eyes wide as moons. I tugged as hard as I could to get him back up, but it was impossible to do without his leniency. "What are you doing?"

"Please, just get up," I begged him, the tears falling from my face becoming nothing more than a drop of rain, "let's talk."

"No," Ayato smiled, "I won't."

"Why not?" I bit my lip so hard that I could taste the metallic tang of blood on my tongue. "You... you have a lot of explaining to do! I'm very angry, so if you die now, I'll never forgive you."

Ayato's smile fell a little. "Why are you crying?"

"How could you ask that? Even if you've been a major asshole in the past few days, you're still precious to me and to them," she clutched his hand tighter, "so please... just live."

"I..." Ayato's voice trailed off. "I can't do that."

"Why not? So you're telling me that I took that drug for nothing! Get back up you asshole, you have to get up. That means that I sacrificed myself for absolutely nothing. I'm not like your mother, I don't even know who she is, but if she claimed that she hates you, I would never do that." I found myself yelling, desperation etched into my tone. "It's not like I'm going away right now- we can get to know each other more, we can go tons of places together, experience so many things..." My voice trailed off as I continued to stare into his eyes. He had such a look of sorrow on his face that I paused my sentence, not wanting to say anymore than I already had.

"But you're going to die." Ayato's voice rang in my ears. "Once you die, you won't remember all of the times that we've had, you'll have nothing but regrets."

"Even so, I want to be with you," my voice cracked, "you're the only one I could do this with."

"What about your father?" Ayato inquired.

"He would never permit me to."

"You make a convincing and intriguing argument, however that isn't enough to make me change my mind."

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