三十 - 30

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Kamisato Ayato was trembling, lurched over himself as memories flooded into his head, similar to a dream.

"But even if I don't understand, feeling like you have to say such things even though you're so young, even though you're all alone- how is that fair? Shouldering this burden all on your own, forcing yourself to act strong for the people around you; it's no wonder that you would get tired," I brought my arms around him and pulled him close. "Even if you feel like you're all alone, there are many people around you who cherish you and love you. It may not feel like it right now, but eventually you'll be able to see that. So why not live until you can achieve that goal?"
He was trembling, yet she had embraced him.

"Even if it feels like no one is there for you, I will stay by your side whenever you need. That's a promise just to you, Mr. Kamisato."

"What is this...?" Ayato muttered, staring at the girl who was now unconscious on the ground. He had wrapped a towel around her arm to stop the bleeding and was about to leave, yet his head was practically tearing him apart as if telling him he had to stay behind.

(Y/n) Shimoda, the one who wrote that letter.

Ayato had remembered that when he first saw it he had simply passed it by as mere fanletters made by a psychotic woman but now...

"Who are you?" he asked her, knowing that she wouldn't answer no matter what he said.

"Master!" Thoma burst into the room, slamming the door open. "There's a..."

Ayato turned to Thoma and watched as his eyes widened, then he brought a hand up and slapped himself across the face. He then slapped himself again. And again.

"What are you doing?" Ayato tilted his head to the side.

"Is that Miss-" he cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, then fell to his knees. "There's no way, Miss (Y/n) can't be here. I must be dreaming."

Ayato was appalled. His bright and energetic housecleaner was teary-eyed due to this random woman.

"Who is she to you?" Ayato asked him. "Are you two familiar?"

Thoma's eyes widened. "Master, you still can't remember her? They told me that when she woke up you would remember."

Nonsensical words were spilling out of his housecleaner's mouth, ones that Ayato failed to comprehend. Did I really forget this girl?

He stared down at her delicate figure lying on the ground.

"Thoma, take her back to the Grand Narukami Shrine and get Yae Miko to assist with the healing. I never want to see her again."

This girl would only bring trouble, he could feel it in his bones. It was better to steer clear of her entirely.

A girl that was troubled had no use in his life; he could supervise her from afar instead. Something was eerie about this situation, if he had forgotten her there must have been a reason that he had wanted to. Seeing Thoma so torn up about her made him feel even more conflicted, unwanted emotions building up in his chest. These emotions aren't my own.

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