三十九 - 39

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Ayato's eyes widened, his fists clenching as he gritted his teeth

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Ayato's eyes widened, his fists clenching as he gritted his teeth. "What the hell? What kind of shit are you trying to pull?"

"Thoma–!" I looked over desperately to my friend only to find that he didn't look the least bit surprised. The bitter cold instilled over my body and I felt my shoulders tremble. Where did this come from? Based on Thoma's reaction I quickly put together the situation. He was obviously trying to achieve something with this, but I had no idea what. This was definitely a fluke but Ayato may not see it that way. Before I could say any more, Hiruko spoke once more.

He must be insane. I didn't quite understand how this carefree man could 'commit' such horrendous acts of manslaughter as well as idly watch them take place. Now I understood that people like him were the most dangerous.

Hiruko spoke slowly, "I'm not a good person, yet you can't prove that I'm a bad person either. I've done absolutely nothing to warrant that title in court and there is absolutely nothing to prove that I'm guilty. Maybe that's why Shikanoin Heizou despises me so much and, for the most part, denies my existence in its entirety. When Thoma and I saw you with him, we instantly knew you couldn't be trusted, Lady Shimoda."

"Thoma," I turned to him, feeling a misery akin to that I had felt back when Ayato had ignored me, "does our friendship mean nothing to you?"

His deep emerald eyes wavered slightly, a pained expression crossing his face. Staring at them was like looking at a deep stormy sea, waves churning and crashing against the shore, yet there was still a soft fragility and beauty deep within. His gaze carried with it an inexplicable look of heartbreak, hatred, and regret. What all of these emotions stemmed from, I had no idea. In the end, I knew nothing about him.

"It means nothing."

Everyone always leaves me behind.


At this point, I should no longer expect anything else.

"If I give myself to you, will you set Ayaka free? Assuming that you are doing this for revenge, I'm the one who caused that leader of yours to be killed. The bounty given to your organization started with me."

That's right. There was nothing to lose, no one left that would give a single shit if I died.

 Everyone ended up leaving me behind, even Thoma. Even if I knew this was fake, I suppose that I could be selfish just this once to see if he would comply.

"That is true–"

"What the hell are you saying?!" Ayato snapped, grabbing me by the shoulder and staring into my eyes. Compared to Thoma's, his were the exact opposite. They were, in most cases, a serene and calm ocean with darkness hidden within. Now, they were simply lit aflame with rage. "Why are you so willing to give up your life? I thought you said that you didn't want to die!"

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